Paul J. Camp replied to the topic 'installing indi_ardust' in the forum. 2 years ago

Of course the next question is once it is installed why does it not appear on the list of mount drivers in Ekos?


Paul J. Camp replied to the topic 'installing indi_ardust' in the forum. 2 years ago

Here is the correct answer. The indi_ardust4 entry on GitHub says to install simply run cmake and then make. That won't work. The reason it won't work is that the INDI developer library is needed and is not installed by default with indi-full. So sudo apt-get install libindi-dev first. Then it should compile. This is really unnecessarily obscure and I spent more time than I should have over the past week figuring it out.


Paul J. Camp replied to the topic 'installing indi_ardust' in the forum. 2 years ago

There are a TON of included headers that are not included in either the INDI distribution or the indi-ardust distribution. I found 26 of them. I had to make a directory /usr/include/libindi/ and put all 26 in there. When I did that, make ran-ish. But it noticed in most of the header files missing characters, improper variable names, undeclared variable names, classes with no members, and, well, several pages of error output that I didn't want to wade through in detail because I'm only a sometime programmer, not an expert.

Getting the mount to talk to Ekos is (I think) the last step in getting the observatory read to polar align and use. I say "I think" because this has been a months long process of trying things, seeing how they fail, and figuring out a solution. I think I've reached the end of my ability to do that. I have a USB to ST4 interface that needs the indiardust driver. The indiardust driver will not make.

Does anyone know how to actually install indi-ardust? I'm at my wits end.


Paul J. Camp created a new topic ' installing indi_ardust' in the forum. 2 years ago

I've had the devil's own time getting INDI to work with an Orion HDX110 EQ-G mount. The hand controller is defective. It doesn't even work as a hand controller, let alone a PC interface. I got an ST4 to USB converter from Astro Gadget, since Shoestring Astronomy didn't answer emails. It uses the indi_ardust driver, which does not seem to be a part of INDI full, or at least I don't see it where all the other drivers are. I acquired the source from Github, but the make step coughed up a lung when it could not find defaultdevice.h. The full set of responses is:

I found a defaultdevice.h bu it is (a) derpecated, and (b) putting it in the same folder as ardust.h didn't make it any more findable. Not being a programmer, I'm stymied at this point. I've been working on this mount for months, and I'm about over it. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!


Then why, when I install indi-full, does that driver not get installed? That is supposed to install all third party drivers.


Paul J. Camp created a new topic ' where is package gsc?' in the forum. 2 years ago

Following the library install instructions, successfully added and updated the ppa. sudo apt-get install indi-full gsc yields the error message Unable to locate package gsc. Roadblock. This has been happening for about a week. Running xubuntu on an antiquated Lenovo laptop T440p.


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    24. 07. 1959
  • About me
    Physics professor at Georgia Gwinnett College. Setting up observatory for undergraduate research purposes.