Thanks for this tip. It worked for me with FileZilla.
un:stellarmate & pw:smate
for me.


Thanks for your reply, but I never use scheduler to capturing the sequence!


So here is the screen shot of my settings.

Also please note that it only happens when I use "Load and Slew" option!


Thank you very much for a quick reply. I need to check that settings. Let me do that and get back to you.


I am using Stellarmate OS 1.7.8 OS on Rpi4. It is working great with one minor but annoying issue!

When I use "Load and Slew" in Align module to slew the mount to the previously shot picture's location, it does open, slew, and solve successfully.
Then I start the guide module, and guiding too starts successfully with RMA error arround 0.5-0.7
Then when I go to Capture module, schedule the image capture, and try to start capturing the image, the Capture module shows "alligning" status instead of capturing, and now when I goto Allign module, it is non-stop trying to allign! (though within align limits and guiding running). "Stop" also doesn't work, and only way to stop it is to park the telescope and disconnect all devices and stop EKOS. I have to start everything all over again! This never used to happen before when I was using 1.7.1

Note: I can only to prevent this issue by unchecking Meridian flip in Mount module. I always use Flip if HA > 15.
Also note that whenever this issue occured, Meridian flip was no where nearer than 1.5 - 3 hours.
Can anyone guide me what's happening here?

Info: I use Stellarmate on RPi4 through VNC. My camera is ASI533MM with ZWO 5 position EFW. Mount is AZ-EQ5


Hello Everyone,

I am using Stellarmate OS on R-pi 4 since almost 2 years, and was very very happy with it since few weeks ago.
One day, I noticed that my Guiding RMS has gone up from 0.7-1.3 to 14 and even more. I noticed that all this issue started during the last week of August 2023 or may be the first week of September 2023. Initially, I thought that I might have disturbed the polar allignment, but on checking it, it was perfectly alligned. And as soon as I start guiding, the RMS error will right away go up.

Later, I downgraded again to 1.7.1, and wow..., guiding RMS went down to under 1, and I was able to collect 13.5 hours of data for Wizard Nebula. But still not satisfied, last evening I downloaded the 1.7.8 version (upgraded the Stellarmate), and started using it. The guiding errors surfaced again! I rechecked the Polar allignment last night, but it was still the best. At last, I downgraded it again to 1.7.1 and is working as expected!

Stellarmate allows to download updates upto 10 times. I started with 1.7.1, but then downloaded twice again (1.7.5, and 1.7.8), and both of them are total wastage for me! Can anyone here (or Jasem Mutlaq) help me to solve this guiding issues?

On researching the net, I found out that the latest KStars release (Build: 2023-08-18T08:50:22Z) has caused some issues to others as well. Stellarmate 1.7.1 has KStars - Build: 2022-05-26T07:13:59Z and causing no issues at all.


Excellent guide, Stefan. Though your posts are almost 3 years old, they are still useful to the community willing to start with automation.
By the way, I would also love to share my experience with Stellarmate OS purchased, copied on 32gb card, and running on RPi-4. I am super happy with it. And the hassle of managing cables and moving and connecting cables with laptop has become the past. Everything works on my remote laptop using VNC from my living room. I am also using SeTek Wifi Range Extender to connect to the RPi-4 and mount sitting about 30 feet far from laptop, and parted by many walls in between. In winter, and while using DSLR, number of cables does go up, but still could be managed well, in summer, and with dedicated astro cam, its a very neak and sleek setup. Here is the link to the pictures shot using this setup:

Here are some pictures of my Stellarmate setup.


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    16. 12. 1973
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    Stellarmate user