Thanks Toni. I’d still send you a cup of coffee or something if you take donations. I know the problem was fairly tailored to a few of us.

Any idea on the timeline from pull to nightly build?


Chris Madson created a new topic ' Flats Calibration options?' in the forum. 7 months ago


I seem to remember that I could set up my 'flip flat' to run a specific value when I ran flats... that option seems to be gone now. So the process is to manually go into the INDI driver... turn on the light source... set the brightness.. and then take pictures? Is there a better way that I can setup inside of EKOS as a sequence? If I wanted it to take flats via scheduler... how would I do that?



Hey Toni,

That value does correspond to the last sync'd value. It was set to something else previous before I did a 'sync' inside the driver and set it to that...



I think your implementation of the rotator is fundamentally flawed... while I agree that it should be the driver that does the work, it needs a 'seed'. Aka the first plate solve needs to populate what the current is into the driver for that session. As an example, I take my camera off and shift the angle... it needs to be updated. I shouldn't have to manually do that.

On the flip side, I can 'sync' my rotator. Perhaps there needs to be a warning that there has been no 'sync' this session and that unexpected movements will occur.

My mount defaults to a random -114 degrees. Why? I dunno. But, if your implementation relies on better device drivers, that probably should be worked out with the developers before implementing. What it breaks is scheduler automation.

Apparently your device's driver does store the value and your fix works for 'you'. But, it breaks it for most of us I'm guessing.


Fixed it. It’s the watch dog. I enabled it as a safety to park the mount. There’s a bug in it somewhere.

Disabling it let ekos do its thing all night.


did a run of dist-upgrade/update coupled with update_indi_core/drivers and update_kstars... seems to be working now.


I'm confounded by this one and could use some help. Logs are attached... For some reason my mount is parking itself uncommanded. I'll start scheduler... focus works, align/rotation works, but then during the first image it commands a park. I can't see it in the logs displayed... they're attached. Log i a single run.

File Attachment:

File Name: log_16-26-30.txt
File Size: 910 KB

What am I doing wrong?


Hey Toni,

Yea, that screen shot is right after startup of the server/connections made. I checked tonight and there is no message on any of my module pages that match your initial alignment angle. I'm assuming that's why it's defaulting to something random. How do you create a delay on connection? I can't seem to find a setting for that. Or, is a manual thing where you connect to the focuser individually?

This wasn't an issue in previous iterations... I feel like it's a bug related to how it's figuring out rotation.

Is there something specific I can turn on inside the align module or some other tool that would help ID what I'm seeing for you?


I don’t see a setting to enable that feature? Is it in Ekos or in the INDI driver? I guess I would wonder why the routine wouldn’t judge the first picture taken and adjust from there as opposed to relying on a stored value that may or may not be relevant.

I use the same PA (during these tests) night after night and it does a 180 flip each time.


Yea. That was my fix too. I think he just went through and did updates to Kstars/indi-core/indi-drivers.

How I got his attention was to submit a support ticket here.

Reference this thread.


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