Brian Weber replied to the topic 'QHY Driver Crashing continuously' in the forum. 2 years ago

Thanks! I was able to figure it out eventually, so I'll write it down here for myself and anyone else who might run across this post:
* I cloned this repo:
* I'm using INDI 1.9.6, so I found the commit that corresponded to that tag ( and checked that out (

git checkout c9f706d
* From there, I built the particular drivers I needed (indi-qhy, indi-asi, and indi-eqmod in my case) by following the instructions in INSTALL - apparently the more recent version of cmake has slightly different syntax, so I used
cmake -S<source code directory> -B<build output directory>
* After cmake and make, I ran
sudo make install
for each of the relevant drivers and I was off to the races.


Brian Weber replied to the topic 'QHY Driver Crashing continuously' in the forum. 2 years ago

I assume that involves downloading the source and running some build command. Can you help me out with how to do those things? I'm a developer, but I don't use Linux.


Brian Weber created a new topic ' QHY Driver Crashing continuously' in the forum. 2 years ago

I just got a QHY 168C and it was kind of working for awhile and then I somehow crashed the driver and couldn't get it to restart. I tried upgrading the driver, which appeared to make things worse.

Output of indi_qhy_ccd:

symbol lookup error: indi_qhy_ccd: undefined symbol: _ZN4INDI3CCD16SetCaptureFormatEh
astroberry@astroberry:~ $ sudo apt-cache madison indi-qhy libqhy
  indi-qhy |     2.7-13 | buster/main armhf Packages
    libqhy |    22.5.11 | buster/main armhf Packages

I assume I have some sort of version mismatch somewhere, but I can't figure out what it is or how to sync the versions up. TIA!


I love this feature on PHD2 - I've found it very helpful for when clouds roll in or my target starts to dip behind my house.


When storing files locally, downloading takes about 15 seconds and only after that has completed does dithering begin, which takes another 30 seconds. It would be a great time savings if these two things could be done in parallel.

Note: This is not super high priority for me since I have now swapped to remote storage, but saving time between frames is a great way to increase integration time.


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    Budding astrophotographer and software developer. Love Open Source!