Hello Jasem,
Yes, I have tried the QHYCFW1 driver, but unfortunately it does not support using the camera to CFW cable. In the past, KStars was allowing me to force the CFW position using the INDI screen, now the new system does not.
Best wishes,


This code from another program (Openskyimager) may help to find the solution.

File Attachment:

File Name: imgCFWio.zip
File Size: 5 KB


The QHY driver is refusing to control the QHYCFW1. Past versions of KStars allowed the user to set the filter wheel position in the INDI Control window screen. Software for the use of the 'in-camera' cable is not working. What are QHYCFW1 users doing?


You may find this software will work with your QHY10. It was developed for stand alone testing of QHY cameras.



Perhaps one more comment to assist you in testing your camera. Progressive scan ccds do not have a mechanical shutter. This means, the driver software must purge accumulated electrons from the ccd and its buffer before taking an actual image. In the rush for speedy images, this factor is frequently overlooked by developers seeking to have fast cameras. It is best for your testing if you loop or take a sequence of images for comparison. Thus, you may find a first, second, or even third image of a series does not appear the same as earlier images. In a similar sense be careful when making settings changes, then taking a single image. You must assure the change has occurred on a cleared ccd.

I always suggest testing in room light with a camera lens. A working QHY camera will take a very normal image, if IR filtered. Dark frames can easily be obtained with a lens cap.


I still think your camera is working just fine. I'd put a 50mm DSLR lens on it and take some pictures inside. I looked at the specs for a QHY10 and see its using a progressive ccd from Sony, this means it should take images down to .001 second. Set INDI gain to 1 and see what you get. If it keeps coming out all white, try setting the offset down.

At the time the QHY10 was being developed, USB2.0 was the standard for interface transfer speed. The camera specs call for a 1x1 image to download in 18 seconds. If its possible on your INDI control panel, try experimenting with the USB polling times. The setting is located under the Options tab. The buffer settings should go, hand in hand, with the image binning. A binning of 1x1, 2x2, and 4x4 should work best with a buffer of 4096, 2048, and 512 respectively. The setting can range down to 10 and up to seconds.

If you are using a Pi or powered USB hub which allows selection of USB2.0 or USB3.0 ports, experiment with different transfer speeds and cables. Delays from outside noise and cable 'ringing' all come into how fast a camera can transfer.

Lastly, expecting a stream of 10meg images to transfer in 1 second intervals... is well.... going to be a challenge. If they are binned down to 4x4 and the buffer size matches the USB transfer speed, well....


Very interesting. The first frame appears somewhat normal. The second (fast) USB frame is too fast and requires a change of delay time to correct the timing error.

It was always a QHY recommendation to use the slower transfer speed to insure correct timing. My first suggestion would be to try some dark frames using a larger (slower) USB delay.


Dan Holler replied to the topic 'indi_qhy_ccd crashing' in the forum. 2 years ago

I've seen this some place else on the board, but, here is the log:

2022-09-10T10:18:24.411 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server: "2022-09-10T14:18:24: FIFO: start indi_qhy_ccd"
[2022-09-10T10:18:24.412 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server: "2022-09-10T14:18:24: FIFO: Starting driver indi_qhy_ccd"
[2022-09-10T10:18:24.412 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server: "2022-09-10T14:18:24: Driver indi_qhy_ccd: pid=18992 rfd=11 wfd=11 efd=12"
[2022-09-10T10:18:24.412 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server: "2022-09-10T14:18:24: Driver indi_qhy_ccd: indi_qhy_ccd: error while loading shared libraries: libqhyccd.so.22: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
[2022-09-10T10:18:24.412 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server: "2022-09-10T14:18:24: Driver indi_qhy_ccd: read: Connection reset by peer"
[2022-09-10T10:18:24.412 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server: "2022-09-10T14:18:24: Driver indi_qhy_ccd: Terminated after #0 restarts."
[2022-09-10T10:18:24.412 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server: "2022-09-10T14:18:24: Client 8: new arrival from local pid 11398 (user: 1000:1000) - welcome!"
[2022-09-10T10:18:24.412 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server: ""
[2022-09-10T10:18:24.412 EDT CRIT ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI driver "indi_qhy_ccd" crashed!


Dan Holler replied to the topic 'indi_qhy_ccd crashing' in the forum. 2 years ago

Thanks Alexandre. No matter how I seem to try to get logging turned on, it turns itself off. And, in spite of all attempts, my indi_qhy_ccd is continuing to crash. I will wait for more input on this topic.



Dan Holler created a new topic ' indi_qhy_ccd crashing' in the forum. 2 years ago

The latest indi_qhy_ccd driver appears to crash every time I try to take a preview image. Tested on QHY11C and QHY5LII cameras. Anyone else seeing problem on QHY?
OS is Linuxmint 20.3



KStars needs to allow the user to define the FITS header information. Having the driver read filter settings, color or mono, is very complex. The user knows the order the CFW filters are located. The user can define a camera as mono or color, Bayer pattern, and filter wheel definitions. KStars need only write this information to the image. Just a thought.


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