This is a great idea for moving forward. Just getting the serial connection working in python might be great first step. If I can get a driver going I'm assuming I be be able to use the autofocus functionality. But, just being able to remotely focus would be really nice. I don't know why if you are paying someone do do the ASCOM i/f the indi driver interface doesn't look much harder.


JMI is listed - but not the model I purchased. So unless I'm willing to convert to ASCOM and windows my only path forward looks like to write my own indi driver. If I manage to get that to work I'd be happy to share with the world.


Farpoint has been the most helpful. The i/f is very basic and with simple serial sniffer I was able to back out the commands. Something I had asked Farpoint for and they wouldn't part with. At any rate they do not have an indi interface just the ASCOM i/f. I'm still open to the idea of witting myself if I can't find one that works. Or course, then I'd have to start looking into how to build the new functionaliy into indi - which seemed harder to find that I would have thought.

I'll re-ask Farpoint as they may have had personal rollovers. But, apparently the just purchased stuff from JMI and started selling it without knowing much about the innards.

If you have any other thoughts please post them here. Otherwise I'll just keep working on the interface. At least I did find the git library for the focusers so I'm hoping I can find one that has a similiar intrerface.


Thanks for your reply. I'll see what additional info I can feed your way to see if I'm on the correct track. I've got a 10" LX200 optical tube mounted on a Celestron CGEM equatorial mount. The nifty JMI MotoFocus Deluxe that I purchased from Farpoint came with a little controller that has a USB i/f and an interface on the top to the focus knob. It works really good as a stand alone motorized focuser. I did manage to connect my PC to the JMI and used a trial version of Sequence Generator Pro to at least move the focuser. (A big step forward). This is using the ASCOM i/f.

My target goal is to run everything on a raspberry pi that I connect in remotely from inside my warm house and avoid the 10 degree F temperatures for January and February.

I tried using FCUSB from indi while using kstars and astroDmxCapture. Neither of which allowed a connection to my focuser. I was just wondering if you had connected from your computer (maybe a pi) via the USB to the focuser and had that work. Did it?

I'll look over the shoestring site and see what I can get from that activity.


Just in summary I have Raspberry Pi running the astroberry o/s. I purchased a JMI Motofocus Deluxe and it works fine with the little hand controller. But I have not been able to find a driver that will work when using the programs astroDmxCapture or kstart. Both of which support indi. When I went looking on the git site ( I did not see anything with the JMI in it. I'm wondering if there is anyone out there with this focuser that has made it work?

This link ( made me think the driver should already be available.

Is there a chance that my astorberry o/s needs an update? Or should I be paying the $59 (US) to get Stellermate?

Rob Steele
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


What name - what was the string you used? Also, which commnad line did you put this?


When you say the Pi doesn't have the processing power is that a matter that it can not be done - or that it runs very slow. I generally put at least a 256 Gbyte card on my Pis and find they can run about anything - but slow.



Thanks for that. I put this under a seperate topic as well, but do you know of any software for processing planeary and lunar images?


Does anyone have any suggestions for planetary image processing on a Raspberry Pi? I was using PIPP on a windows machine and the Linux version is not working on a Raspberry Pi.


Rob Steele created a new topic ' Image Processing' in the forum. 2 years ago

Does anyone have any recommendations for image processing software that will run on a Raspberry Pi 4? I was using PIPP on a Windows machine but after my machine crashed I'm attempting to move to running software on either a Pi or a Chromebook.


I'm having the same issue with my new JMI Motofocuser in that it works great on the Windows s/w but not from Ekos under Kstars. I am able to connect to the unit over a serial connection on the Raspberry Pi 4. But I don't have the complete API definition to be able to write my own Python controller. I've asked the company (FarPoint) for the complete set of commands but they have not responded yet. Does anyone have those or a working Python GUI to control the focuser. If someone has the command definitions I'll write a Python GUI. BTW, my e-mail is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if anyone wants to respond to me directly. Otheriwise I'll pick up any responses here.


I was more looking for the names of possible programs that others have had success with using. Installing them would be the easy part.



I'm new to the astroberry community. I'm looking to do stacking for planetary and some deep sky objects. Any recommendations for software preinstalled on the astroberry o/s installation or anything that I couild install that folks have been happy with?


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    10. 10. 1954
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    Retired software engineer. Member of GMN and amature astronomer.