I cannot save a schedule that contains more than one mosaic or a mixture of mosaic and single-frame targets. I create my schedules for each target and mosaic separately. This way I can load them into a larger imaging session. For my location, I have several trees that block large areas of my sky, so I need to take advantage of the artificial horizon and scheduler to gather data over multiple nights. I will load up the scheduler with several jobs so I can capture targets as they come into the open sky. This works very well. But I cannot save this combined schedule. Every time, Ekos and sometimes KStars will crash. I have attached the schedule file that Ekos attempts to create.

File Attachment:

File Name: combined.esl.zip
File Size: 1 KB


Michael created a new topic ' Park Focuser ASI EAF?' in the forum. 2 years ago

Is there a way to set a default focus position prior to starting a job in the scheduler (or restarting a job). I had a recent session where a bad focus position ruined a job. Worse was that the new position prevented any later job from finding focus. This issue could be minimized if a default starting position could be set prior to job start. I am using a ZWO ASI EAF.


I don't know if this is related.  But I can no longer get Stellarmate to run.  As soon as I hit the Ekos tab, the app crashes or the screen goes white.  It only happens when I add the GPPhotoe (or Cannon DSLR) device.  With the simnulator, it works fine.  I have no problems when running Ekos over VPN. 


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    19. 10. 1969
  • About me
    Just getting started into astrophotography