Robert Sim created a new topic ' kstars/StellarSolver vs Canon Raw' in the forum. 3 years ago

I'm running a kstars build from the most recent github source, so I could get the latest libraw with support for CR3 format and I've been bumping into a number of issues.
I'm connecting to a Canon M50 camera.  I can launch the profile and preview images in the FITS viewer.  However, capture only works in native transport format, not FITS. Not a big issue for regular capture, but it seems StellarSolver recently had a change that broke loading from native format, and so it fails to load the captured image from /tmp (it was loading fine a few days ago, before my most recent git pull- is there a preferred place to report these kinds of bugs?)

In addition to this issue, if I switch to my guide camera for plate solving, I successfully capture images, but kstars hits some memory limit and prints a stream of failed mmap calls to the console while loading the index files (as if no further memory can be allocated).  My process image is only about 1.1GB, running on a raspberry pi 4 with almost 8GB ram.  I'm not sure why this operation is failing or if I need to increase some OS limit to enable the process image to grow larger.

Feel free to point me to a better forum if this isn't the place to raise kstars bugs.