Robert Sim replied to the topic 'kstars/StellarSolver vs Canon Raw' in the forum. 2 years ago

Returning to this topic after some time just reverting to my windows-based workflow. I'm really interested to get the PI-based workflow running. Before I set it down I did figure out some details about RAW capture and what settings I should apply.
There are still a couple issues I need to understand better:
- presumably most folks can run image capture, calibration, etc just fine in kstars with the 32bit astroberry server, and I wonder why in my case I'm running out of memory. Should I just pare down my index files to the bare minimum? Are there other things I should disable in kstars to keep the memory usage down? Alternatively, should I just proxy everything through the PI and run kstars on a 64 bit laptop? Any pointers on how to do this?
- should I accept that I need more than 4GB address space and try to find/create a 64 bit build of astroberry server? You mention that you're running a 64bit OS so presumably you've had some success finding an image and getting it set up- are there any pointers available to get started?


Robert Sim replied to the topic 'kstars/StellarSolver vs Canon Raw' in the forum. 3 years ago

Hmm.. apparently


Robert Sim replied to the topic 'kstars/StellarSolver vs Canon Raw' in the forum. 3 years ago

Thanks, yes I understand. Just to clarify the situation: in the INDI control panel the driver is configured to use "native" transport, and when I capture a preview image in the Ekos CCD tab it successfully downloads an image and loads it in the FITS previewer. However, when I switch over to the plate solving tab and click capture and solve, for some reason the driver is ignoring the native setting and attempting to use FITS transport.  I can generate the same failure to open /tmp/indi_*** error if I switch the transport to FITS in the control panel and then try to capture a preview in the CCD tab.  I'm not sure why the setting is missed, will try to debug this flow.Yes, happy to share once I verify I can get an image. I do see that if I switch to my ZWO camera and just snap some images indoors then the solver is running (but triggering the mmap failures).  If I take the scope outside and snap some frames, do you expect that the solver will run ok even if some index files fail to load?



Robert Sim replied to the topic 'kstars/StellarSolver vs Canon Raw' in the forum. 3 years ago

I attached gdb to kstars and set a breakpoint at the failed mmap error message- when it fails, the process size has reached 3.1GB, which sounds close to the limit, (4GB - 1GB reserved address space, according to this post: I verified that the option to load all files at once is unchecked. I'll trim my indexes down to the minimal set that I need and hopefully I won't hit this limit.

I'm still digging on the FITS issue.


Robert Sim replied to the topic 'kstars/StellarSolver vs Canon Raw' in the forum. 3 years ago

Thanks for the detailed response.
As I understand it, the "Canon DSLR" driver is just a wrapper for the gphoto driver, and judging from the code you pointed to, even though I have configured the setting to capture native frames, when StellarSolver invokes the capture it's taking the FITS pathway (the /tmp file is only generated when FITS is selected for transport). I'm using the internal solver, so in principle it should just be receiving the raw image buffer. I will see if I can dig more to figure out why the wrong setting is used by the driver.

My device is armv7l which is 32 bit. I don't think I'm getting close to 4GB of allocated RAM, but I'll disable the parallel load and see if that fixes the issue. I'm a bit confused, though, about why a 32 bit pi would ship with 8GB of RAM on board- does the limit only apply to the address space of individual processes?

Thanks again, will follow up shortly.


Robert Sim replied to the topic 'kstars/StellarSolver vs Canon Raw' in the forum. 3 years ago

Here are some more details from stderr:

1. Canon driver configured with FITS transfer. Probably not an issue for regular light/dark capture, since native works fine, but this is a clue about what might be going wrong with StellarSolver capture- exactly the same error message appears (with a different tmp file).

org.kde.kstars.indi: Canon DSLR EOS M50 :  "[INFO] Starting 1 seconds exposure. "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Canon DSLR EOS M50 :  "[ERROR] Cannot open /tmp/indi_2DMHET: Unsupported file format or not RAW file "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Canon DSLR EOS M50 :  "[ERROR] Exposure failed to parse raw image. "

Switching to my ZWO guide camera and attempting to plate solve, I see dozens of failed mmap messages like this:
org.kde.kstars.ekos.align: "Capturing image..."
Found one coordinate representation.
org.kde.kstars.ekos.align: "Image received."
system: Cannot allocate memory
/home/astroberry/Projects/stellarsolver/stellarsolver/astrometry/util/fitsbin.c:541:read_chunk: Couldn't mmap file "/home/astroberry/.local/share/kstars/astrometry/index-4204-04.fits"
system: Cannot allocate memory
/home/astroberry/Projects/stellarsolver/stellarsolver/astrometry/util/fitsbin.c:541:read_chunk: Couldn't mmap file "/home/astroberry/.local/share/kstars/astrometry/index-4204-03.fits"
system: Cannot allocate memory
/home/astroberry/Projects/stellarsolver/stellarsolver/astrometry/util/fitsbin.c:541:read_chunk: Couldn't mmap file "/home/astroberry/.local/share/kstars/astrometry/index-4204-03.fits"
/home/astroberry/Projects/stellarsolver/stellarsolver/astrometry/util/quadfile.c:135:my_open: Failed to open quads file
/home/astroberry/Projects/stellarsolver/stellarsolver/astrometry/util/index.c:417:index_reload: Failed to read quads from /home/astroberry/.local/share/kstars/astrometry/index-4204-03.fits
/home/astroberry/Projects/stellarsolver/stellarsolver/astrometry/blind/engine.c:204:engine_add_index: Failed to load index from path /home/astroberry/.local/share/kstars/astrometry/index-4204-03.fits
system: Cannot allocate memory


Robert Sim created a new topic ' kstars/StellarSolver vs Canon Raw' in the forum. 3 years ago

I'm running a kstars build from the most recent github source, so I could get the latest libraw with support for CR3 format and I've been bumping into a number of issues.
I'm connecting to a Canon M50 camera.  I can launch the profile and preview images in the FITS viewer.  However, capture only works in native transport format, not FITS. Not a big issue for regular capture, but it seems StellarSolver recently had a change that broke loading from native format, and so it fails to load the captured image from /tmp (it was loading fine a few days ago, before my most recent git pull- is there a preferred place to report these kinds of bugs?)

In addition to this issue, if I switch to my guide camera for plate solving, I successfully capture images, but kstars hits some memory limit and prints a stream of failed mmap calls to the console while loading the index files (as if no further memory can be allocated).  My process image is only about 1.1GB, running on a raspberry pi 4 with almost 8GB ram.  I'm not sure why this operation is failing or if I need to increase some OS limit to enable the process image to grow larger.

Feel free to point me to a better forum if this isn't the place to raise kstars bugs.


Same issue for me. I thought I had mucked up a camera profile but kstars crashes even after deleting all profiles and creating a test profile.
Running kstars from a terminal, when I start ekos, kstars crashes with this message:

malloc(): smallbin double linked list corrupted


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