Thomas Hanrath replied to the topic 'Canon M100 max exposure' in the forum. 3 years ago

Hi all,

i got the solution for the M100 with EKOS and the maximum exopsure time of somewhere between 180 and 300 seconds!
The 1st thing i found out was, that there is no hard cap. I have no idea why, but i was able to do some test exposures of 300 seconds. But only a few in a row, sometimes not even a single one with 240s.

Then I started playing around with the Mirror Lock option. The values can be set between 0 (default) and 10.
Value 1 did not really help. At vaule 2 i thought it works. It really worked a few times, then in further tests the camera was busy for the time period of 600 seconds as expected. But the pictures had all an exposure time of 0.1 seconds.

My next test was value 10. I did LOT OF tests. And 100% of them were successful! You loose 10 seconds of time between the captures. But i can capture 600s! It worked every single time and i did at least 50 tests in different test-rows. No matter what ISO and no matter what exposure time i have choosen. I did not test exposurs longer than 600 seconds. I am really pleased and happy that it works. Now i need clear sky!



Thomas Hanrath replied to the topic 'Canon M100 max exposure' in the forum. 3 years ago

I am having the same problem with the EOS M100. I am still happy being able to capture 180s. But 300s or even longer would be nice.


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    17. 08. 1974
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