Poluvex replied to the topic 'Canon M100 max exposure' in the forum. 4 years ago

Has there been any further development on that issue?

I also own a modded Canon M100 and I am unable to take exposures longer than 320sec - with the same error as above.
The camera can definitely go longer - for example when using Cascable, which is a 3rd party smartphone remote control app, I can go any exposure length - like 6 or 10 minutes, without any issues.

This is really a deal breaker for me :/ - it is an excellent small camera with great sensor and it is a pity to not be able to use it as intended with INDI.


Poluvex replied to the topic 'Canon M100 max exposure' in the forum. 4 years ago

Has there been any traction on this problem?

I also own a modded Canon M100 and when using EKOS and INDI I am unable to get exposures longer than ~300 secs, with the same error and same log output.
Absolute max I was able to get is 320sec, however erratic problem start at around 300sec.

The camera can definitely go longer - I am also using Cascable - a 3rd party (eg. non Canon) remote control smartphone app and I can expose for 6 or 10 minutes without any issues, same when using camera directly.

It is really great camera for astro - light, small, cheap and with very good sensor so it is really frustrating to have this issue.


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