I haven't heard from them since two months ago. They told me they were working on it...


Thak you Willi,
I sent to Avalon a couple of emails but I did not get any reply yet. I have also noticed that the Stargo2 driver crashes when moving the telescope with ekos munt control passing the meridian around polaris and you can only recover it after rebooting it.
One question, do you get reproducible polar aligment manually? i.e, if you PA manually with your workaround and then move your telescope and then you do PA again are you still close or minutes away? I do not why I cannot keep a stable PA.


Hello, I have the same problem as Willi. I use a Mdue StarGo2 Avalon mount. Any solution with polar alignment? I see that when rotating manually the mount using the Avalon interface my polar alignment is not consistent from consecutive run to run and then the mount is not well synced. Could it be just mixing up west and east movements? Any workaround?
Thank you.


I have been experiencing kstars crashes in the middle of a session that was working fine, this is the first time that happens to me. I tried to switch to the beta version but this one cannot find the INDI Eqmod driver. 


David Serquera created a new topic ' Autoguiding with donuts' in the forum. 4 years ago


I came accross this algorithm implemeted in Python for exoplanet autoguiding and is proved to give very good results for tricky situations regarding seeing.
I think it would be very useful to integrate it into the autoguiding module of Ekos.
I am not a devoloper but I gues it would be fairly easy, it looks like the Ekos alignment module.
Here is the Github page:


I hope this could be of interest for Ekos devolopers.
Thank you.



I came across a nice algorythm for exoplanet autoguiding on Python. It looks like fairly simple (It seems like the aligment module) and it is giving good results in case of seeing issues during the sesion like faint clounds passing. I would like it to be implemented in Ekos autoguiding but I a m not a programmer.
I hope this will be useful for astrophotography and exoplanet transits. Here is the github page:


Hopefully this will get the attention of developpers.

Thank you.


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    01. 03. 1972
  • About me
    Amateur astronomer interested in exoplanets and astrophoto