limaiem created a new topic ' QHY 5-II camera in RPI4 setup' in the forum. 4 years ago

Dear all,

Hope you are doing well.
I have two systems using INDI functionalities. I have an issue with one of the two systems. The issue is related to a QHY 5-II camera.

First setup

  • LINUX64 (ubuntu 18.04) architecture.
  • INDI last version lightly
  • INDI_QHY_CCD version 2.7
  • SDK 21.1.19 version
Second setup
  • AARCH64 (ubuntu 18.04) architecture
  • INDI last version lightly
  • INDI_QHY_CCD version 2.7
  • SDK 20.12.23 version
Everything is fine with the First setup
First setup
  • QHY_CCD_TEST: success
I have a problem with the second setup
Second setup
  • QHY_CCD_TEST: segmentation fault with "GetQHYCCDSingleFrame failure, error: -1"
  • GETTING A PICTURE FROM EKOS: fail with "GetQHYCCDSingleFrame failure, error: -1"

I think the problem is coming from the SDK version I am using in the AARCH64 setup (RPI4). I am right ?
The problem seems similar to the one described here: and also to this one

I tried to strace the execution of the binary QHY_CCD_TEST to understand the issue without a success.

I am unable to find a newer version of the SDK I can install on the RPI4.

Someone is able to get QHY 5-II camera working on AARCH64 setup (RPI4) ?

thank you.