Yes, I definitely didn't imagine the issue.   I also noticed tonight that the INDI driver also seems to set the mount to Parked upon startup.  I don't recall it doing this before (though maybe I set it to unparked and saved it).  If I forget to unpark it and try doing something like running a mount model, KStars won't be able to slew.  It won't explain why, but the whole application seems to hang and then eventually crashes.


Stick with what the specs from iOptron say. 600 seconds is correct.


I see that there is a Talon 6 INDI driver available for controlling a roll-off-roof observatory.  Is this being used in the wild to automate observatories via KStars/Ekos?  I see it hasn't been modified since 2019 so I'm wondering how full-featured it is compared to the ASCOM version.  Any real-world experience to share out there?

My observatory roof will indeed strike my large OTA, so I'm trying to find a solution that will suspend a sequence, park the mount, confirm parking with a sensor, and close the roof if dangerous conditions are detected.  And if it can resume everything automatically and safely when conditions improve, fantastic!

BTW, I know I should lower my mount so there's no possibility of a roof strike -- no amount of automation is worth that cost and heartache.  It's more easier said than done, though -- I'm having a hard time finding a fabricator who can make a new custom pier.


That's correct.  Unlike many other mount brands, iOptron PEC handling fiercely fights with mount guide inputs.   I've tried it a dozen times on three different mounts with the internal guider and PHD2 and the result was clear each time: if you're guiding an iOptron mount, do not use mount-based PEC.  My results were always noticeably worse, and often were disastrous.  

The thing is, none of my iOptron mounts have anything but smooth PE... and smooth PE is easy to guide out. 

Predictive PEC in PHD2 or GPG RA Guiding in KStars work great, though.  Just find the worm period of your mount and specify it in the software vs letting the software "guess" at your worm period.


I am sure that the hand controller's PEC setting was off prior to the first connection from KStars/INDI. The last time I tried PEC on that mount was over a year ago (it was a disaster with auto guiding), but I did check it on the hand controller prior to connecting because it was the first time I set up that mount in a while and I wasn't sure if the RTC battery was good. The only other thing I changed was the Tracking option in the INDI driver (it started tracking immediately on connection, which is not something it did in the past).

Maybe this only affects the CEM40, I don't know... but because it caused me a lost night of imaging, I thought it important to post a notice for others.


After flashing my Raspberry Pi with the latest StellarMate OS running KStars 3.5.5, I ran into serious auto guiding issues that prevented me from imaging.  PHD2 would take 10-15 minutes to calibrate, and when it was done I would get a warning about the DEC and RA calibrations being far off.  When I reviewed the calibration data, I could see the RA axis had calibration points that were far outside of the norm.  When I tried to guide, I'd get a total RMS of 12 arcsec -- unusable.


After troubleshooting on the second night, I realized that the INDI Control Panel was set to ENABLE PEC even though PEC was disabled in the hand controller before connecting.  As everyone knows, you cannot auto guide when PEC is enabled on an iOptron mount.  Once I turned that off and saved the INDI driver configuration, my calibrations ran perfectly and my guiding was back down to ~0.6" total RMS.  The default behavior of the INDI driver should be to DISABLE PEC (since PEC is most often used for imaging, and imagers typically guide).

Another change I made to the iOptron INDI driver configuration was to disable tracking.  When I connect to the mount, I don't want it to track until I slew somewhere (e.g. I may be doing a polar alignment at startup).


MountainAir created a new topic ' Mount Model' in the forum. 3 years ago

Hello, the documentation doesn't seem to include details on the Mount Model tool in Ekos yet.

  1. Is the mount model tool an effective replacement for the hand controller's 3-star alignment?
  2. Does the mount model compensate for cone error?
  3. Although primarily for goto accuracy, is there any benefit to tracking or guiding (doubt it)?
  4. Do recent iOptron and Celestron mounts support many sync points?  I saw Rob's note about writing this tool for the G11 and EQMOD, but can't figure out how many points my CEM120, CEM40 and CGX can store (my guess is, more than I'd ever need; I normally use 5 or 6).


LDJB, I have similar goals with my setup. I will be watching this thread closely. Please do report back if you are able to make progress!


MountainAir created a new topic ' Weather Station for INDI' in the forum. 3 years ago

Does anyone have any recommendations for an INDI-compatible weather station for an observatory?  I am just now beginning my research, so I'm starting with zero knowledge.  I could run a MiniPC with ASCOM as well, but it would still need to be accessible via KStars.

I am looking for an automated solution that will park the scopes and close the roof if consistent cloudcover/rain/lightning/wind is detected.  My hope is to ultimately automate this small roll-off-roof observatory using KStars.  I'm trying to play with the Simulators in KStars, and I'm looking up some of those products I see in the drivers list, but any pointers to a good solution would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance.



MountainAir replied to the topic 'Re:Automatic Offset Calculation' in the forum. 3 years ago

Eric, is there any chance your sky quality utilities could also utilize locally-saved SharpCap Sensor Analysis result files? My apologies if you are already aware: Dr. Robin Glover's SharpCap can run fairly intensive analysis against each of your cameras. This produces a table of results that you can paste into various sub-exposure length spreadsheets, but the magic is when you point your scope and imaging train at your target and then use the Smart Histogram feature to analyze sky quality and automagically recommend the optimal sub-exposure length.

SharpCap is Windows-only, but the files can be copied and accessed anywhere. N.I.N.A. has the ability to use these SharpCap sensor analysis files, though it does not calculate properly (last night I tried it for the first time and it said my EdgeHD 9.25 needed a 3,573-second exposure).

Also, I love your suggestion for adding offset to EVERY camera-control interface such as guiding, alignment, etc. I *think* what probably happens is that the last-used offset in the camera module is used in any other modules that use that specific camera, but you're right, if you use higher gain for alignment and focusing it might black-clip like crazy if your offset is still set for a gain of 0.


It looks like something failed in my PPBA: the port is outputting 12.58V regardless of the setting, even with the native software. This isn't an INDI issue after all; the PPBA is likely going to go back for repair. Closing topic!


I dug through the car to get my Windows machine, which has the native Pegasus Astro software installed. When I tried that, it also did not change the output of the adj out port (though the voltage I chose in the dropdown would not change like it does in the INDI UI; this is likely just a downstream symptom). I have reported the issue to Pegasus Astro, but they don't think it's a firmware issue. It worked fine just a few weeks ago, and I did update the firmware after that trip.


I can't seem to get it to output a log. In the Ekos Logs tab, I have INDI and Aux Driver selected (and of course verbose output to a file). I don't get a log in that logs folder when I change PPBA settings. I then tried enabling the To Log File option in the PPBA Options tab. I get a file, but as I change the adjustable voltage output, I get nothing written to it.

Oh, I just saw. Driver Debug checkbox. This is what I got below. What's strange is that ONE TIME when I changed it, the setting stayed. Every other time the setting in the UI immediately turned to Off whenever I changed it. This didn't happen in the field the other night, it just didn't change the brightness of my light panel.

INFO 162.376832 sec : Session log file /home/brett/.indi/logs/2021-06-09/indi_pegasus_ppba/indi_pegasus_ppba_04:40:46.log
DEBUG 649.308626 sec : Toggle Logging Level -- Driver Debug
DEBUG 649.508523 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 649.563422 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 649.563841 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 649.611315 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:771210>
DEBUG 649.611566 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 649.643436 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:771254>
DEBUG 650.644843 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 650.714584 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:3:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 650.714928 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 650.762586 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:772354>
DEBUG 650.762816 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 650.810618 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:772411>
DEBUG 651.642973 sec : Configuration successfully saved.
DEBUG 651.811514 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 651.866197 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:1:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 651.866512 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 651.914132 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:773509>
DEBUG 651.914369 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 651.961891 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:773552>
DEBUG 652.963411 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 653.033646 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:3:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 653.034005 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 653.081709 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:774678>
DEBUG 653.081943 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 653.129386 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:774722>
DEBUG 654.131113 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 654.184801 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 654.185431 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 654.232806 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:775820>
DEBUG 654.233151 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 654.280780 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:775864>
DEBUG 655.282812 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 655.352118 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 655.352368 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 655.400160 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:776989>
DEBUG 655.400370 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 655.448280 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:777033>
DEBUG 656.449308 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 656.503809 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:3:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 656.504167 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 656.551622 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:778132>
DEBUG 656.551920 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 656.599495 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:778175>
DEBUG 657.601082 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 657.671067 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 657.671420 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 657.719115 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:779302>
DEBUG 657.719364 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 657.766778 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:779345>
DEBUG 658.609501 sec : CMD <P2:3>
DEBUG 658.630464 sec : RES <P2:3>
DEBUG 658.767565 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 658.822693 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 658.822917 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 658.870412 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:780445>
DEBUG 658.870664 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 658.918388 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:780488>
DEBUG 659.919764 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 659.989869 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 659.990093 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 660.037651 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:781600>
DEBUG 660.037872 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 660.085701 sec : RES <PC:0.1:0.0:0.0:0.0:781658>
DEBUG 661.087448 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 661.141407 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 661.141659 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 661.188938 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:782756>
DEBUG 661.189164 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 661.236850 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:782799>
DEBUG 662.238020 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 662.308448 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:1:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 662.308787 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 662.340537 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:783911>
DEBUG 662.340813 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 662.388411 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:783955>
DEBUG 663.389931 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 663.443998 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:1:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 663.444248 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 663.491837 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:785053>
DEBUG 663.492070 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 663.539670 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:785096>
DEBUG 664.541112 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 664.611097 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 664.611455 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 664.658806 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:786223>
DEBUG 664.659067 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 664.706720 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:786266>
DEBUG 665.707686 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 665.762254 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:3:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 665.762612 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 665.810205 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:787364>
DEBUG 665.810426 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 665.858204 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:787407>
DEBUG 666.859635 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 666.929155 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 666.929233 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 666.977374 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:788534>
DEBUG 666.977577 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 667.025268 sec : RES <PC:0.1:0.0:0.0:0.0:788577>
DEBUG 668.026874 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 668.080720 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:0:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 668.081100 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 668.128524 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:789675>
DEBUG 668.128785 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 668.176594 sec : RES <PC:0.1:0.0:0.0:0.0:789719>
DEBUG 669.178096 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 669.232168 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:1:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 669.232597 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 669.279990 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:790830>
DEBUG 669.280201 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 669.327763 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:790874>
DEBUG 670.329543 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 670.383001 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 670.383148 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 670.431000 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:791972>
DEBUG 670.431252 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 670.478864 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:792015>
DEBUG 671.479663 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 671.549987 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:0:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 671.550100 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 671.582021 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:793127>
DEBUG 671.582122 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 671.630085 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:793171>
DEBUG 672.631604 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 672.685468 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 672.686063 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 672.733391 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:794269>
DEBUG 672.733663 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 672.781458 sec : RES <PC:0.1:0.0:0.0:0.0:794313>
DEBUG 673.782978 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 673.852568 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:3:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 673.852940 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 673.884689 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:795425>
DEBUG 673.884902 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 673.932700 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:795468>
DEBUG 674.934322 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 674.988001 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:3:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 674.988224 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 675.036006 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:796566>
DEBUG 675.036239 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 675.083912 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:796609>
DEBUG 676.085513 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 676.154829 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:4:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 676.154976 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 676.186793 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:797721>
DEBUG 676.186865 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 676.234868 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:797765>
DEBUG 677.235714 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 677.290224 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:0:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 677.290545 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 677.338089 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:798863>
DEBUG 677.338226 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 677.386158 sec : RES <PC:0.1:0.0:0.0:0.0:798906>
DEBUG 678.387473 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 678.457368 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:4:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 678.457595 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 678.489632 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:800018>
DEBUG 678.489852 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 678.537538 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:800062>
DEBUG 679.539207 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 679.592951 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:3:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 679.593399 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 679.640706 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:801160>
DEBUG 679.640934 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 679.688815 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:801204>
DEBUG 680.690170 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 680.743909 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:3:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 680.744106 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 680.791922 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:802301>
DEBUG 680.792231 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 680.839678 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:802345>
DEBUG 681.841054 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 681.895560 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:0:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 681.896232 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 681.943419 sec : RES <
DEBUG 681.943768 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 681.991395 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:803501>
DEBUG 682.992942 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 683.046793 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 683.047246 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 683.094661 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:804598>
DEBUG 683.094931 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 683.126712 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:804641>
DEBUG 684.127877 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 684.197821 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 684.198161 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 684.245835 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:805753>
DEBUG 684.246091 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 684.293804 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:805797>
DEBUG 685.295624 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 685.349227 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:5:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 685.349716 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 685.397285 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:806894>
DEBUG 685.397504 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 685.429255 sec : RES <PC:0.1:0.0:0.0:0.0:806938>
DEBUG 686.430825 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 686.500345 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 686.500801 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 686.548409 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:808050>
DEBUG 686.548605 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 686.596441 sec : RES <PC:0.1:0.0:0.0:0.0:808094>
DEBUG 687.597860 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 687.651780 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 687.652111 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 687.699872 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:809191>
DEBUG 687.700125 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 687.747812 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:809249>
DEBUG 688.749248 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 688.802998 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:1:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 688.803414 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 688.850748 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:810347>
DEBUG 688.850843 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 688.898794 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:810391>
DEBUG 689.899705 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 689.954150 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 689.954602 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 690.002087 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:811491>
DEBUG 690.002343 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 690.050058 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:811535>
DEBUG 691.051465 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 691.121280 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 691.121591 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 691.153384 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:812647>
DEBUG 691.153634 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 691.201248 sec : RES <
DEBUG 692.202716 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 692.256505 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:4:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 692.256672 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 692.304539 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:813789>
DEBUG 692.304702 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 692.352379 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:813832>
DEBUG 693.353861 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 693.407974 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:3:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 693.408466 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 693.455560 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:814930>
DEBUG 693.455674 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 693.487510 sec : RES <PC:0.1:0.0:0.0:0.0:814973>
DEBUG 694.488738 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 694.558997 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 694.559244 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 694.607043 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:816087>
DEBUG 694.607228 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 694.654911 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:816130>
DEBUG 695.655680 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 695.710557 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 695.710888 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 695.758228 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:817227>
DEBUG 695.758475 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 695.806246 sec : RES <PC:0.1:0.0:0.0:0.0:817285>
DEBUG 696.807627 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 696.861703 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 696.861940 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 696.909767 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:818382>
DEBUG 696.909980 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 696.957535 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:818425>
DEBUG 697.959017 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 698.028828 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 698.029077 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 698.061091 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.09:819537>
DEBUG 698.061846 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 698.108816 sec : RES <
DEBUG 699.110369 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 699.164160 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:3:23.7:46:11.4:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 699.164474 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 699.211948 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:820679>
DEBUG 699.212071 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 699.259829 sec : RES <PC:0.1:0.0:0.0:0.0:820723>
DEBUG 700.261261 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 700.315639 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:4:23.8:46:11.5:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 700.316018 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 700.363416 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:821819>
DEBUG 700.363786 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 700.411344 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:821863>
DEBUG 701.413255 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 701.482639 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:4:23.8:46:11.5:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 701.482958 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 701.530794 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:822989>
DEBUG 701.531002 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 701.578712 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:823032>
DEBUG 702.579841 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 702.634135 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:1:23.8:46:11.5:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 702.634498 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 702.681846 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:824130>
DEBUG 702.682135 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 702.713906 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:824174>
DEBUG 703.716622 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 703.785339 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.8:46:11.5:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 703.785705 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 703.833120 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:825287>
DEBUG 703.833257 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 703.881073 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:825330>
DEBUG 704.882379 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 704.936387 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.8:46:11.5:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 704.936446 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 704.984303 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:826429>
DEBUG 704.984502 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 705.032289 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:826472>
DEBUG 706.033970 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 706.087888 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:3:23.8:46:11.5:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 706.088206 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 706.135720 sec : RES <
DEBUG 706.135928 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 706.183401 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:827627>
DEBUG 707.183692 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 707.239129 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:0:23.8:46:11.5:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 707.239535 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 707.286885 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:828725>
DEBUG 707.287105 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 707.334804 sec : RES <PC:0.1:0.0:0.0:0.0:828769>
DEBUG 708.336406 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 708.406234 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:3:23.8:46:11.5:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 708.406675 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 708.454002 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:829895>
DEBUG 708.454139 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 708.502083 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:829939>
DEBUG 709.503568 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 709.557467 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:3:23.8:46:11.5:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 709.557726 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 709.605610 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:831038>
DEBUG 709.605848 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 709.653415 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:831081>
DEBUG 710.654971 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 710.724518 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:5:23.8:46:11.5:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 710.724945 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 710.772805 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:832207>
DEBUG 710.773061 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 710.820690 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:832250>
DEBUG 711.822136 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 711.875836 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.8:46:11.5:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 711.876281 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 711.923776 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:833349>
DEBUG 711.924001 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 711.971753 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:833392>
DEBUG 712.973232 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 713.043193 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:1:23.8:46:11.5:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 713.044022 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 713.091198 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:834519>
DEBUG 713.091434 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 713.139222 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:834562>
DEBUG 714.139805 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 714.194110 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:4:23.8:46:11.5:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 714.194357 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 714.242352 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:835660>
DEBUG 714.242499 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 714.290199 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:835703>
DEBUG 715.291462 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 715.345787 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:3:23.8:46:11.5:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 715.346126 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 715.393816 sec : RES <
DEBUG 715.394032 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 715.441703 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:836859>
DEBUG 716.443459 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 716.496739 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.8:46:11.5:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 716.496840 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 716.544829 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:837958>
DEBUG 716.544957 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 716.592764 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:838001>
DEBUG 717.594424 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 717.664176 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:1:23.8:46:11.5:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 717.664405 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 717.712139 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:839129>
DEBUG 717.712354 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 717.760083 sec : RES <PC:0.1:0.0:0.0:0.0:839172>
DEBUG 718.761424 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 718.815410 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:4:23.8:46:11.5:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 718.815772 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 718.863570 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:840270>
DEBUG 718.864013 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 718.911044 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:840313>
DEBUG 719.912524 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 719.982620 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:3:23.8:46:11.5:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 719.983042 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 720.014891 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:841425>
DEBUG 720.015220 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 720.062639 sec : RES <PC:0.1:0.0:0.0:0.0:841469>
DEBUG 721.063875 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 721.117916 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.8:46:11.5:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 721.118294 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 721.165897 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:842567>
DEBUG 721.166109 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 721.214062 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:842610>
DEBUG 722.215694 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 722.285312 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:4:23.8:46:11.5:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 722.285901 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 722.317435 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:843722>
DEBUG 722.317689 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 722.365176 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:843766>
DEBUG 723.366664 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 723.420543 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:1:23.8:46:11.5:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 723.420856 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 723.468385 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:844864>
DEBUG 723.468653 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 723.516541 sec : RES <PC:0.1:0.0:0.0:0.0:844908>
DEBUG 724.518134 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 724.587918 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.8:46:11.5:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 724.588304 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 724.635542 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:846021>
DEBUG 724.635856 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 724.683715 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:846078>
DEBUG 725.685530 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 725.739199 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:3:23.8:46:11.5:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 725.739642 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 725.786761 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:847177>
DEBUG 725.786856 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 725.834714 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:847220>
DEBUG 726.835759 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 726.906338 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:0:23.8:46:11.5:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 726.906663 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 726.954307 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:848346>
DEBUG 726.954629 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 727.002136 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:848390>
DEBUG 728.003720 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 728.057503 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.8:46:11.5:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 728.057879 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 728.105463 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:849487>
DEBUG 728.105697 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 728.153424 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:849531>
DEBUG 729.154878 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 729.224796 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:1:23.8:46:11.5:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 729.225130 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 729.272905 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:850657>
DEBUG 729.273123 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 729.320778 sec : RES <PC:0.1:0.0:0.0:0.0:850701>
DEBUG 730.322915 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 730.376129 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:4:23.9:47:11.9:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 730.376451 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 730.424055 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:851801>
DEBUG 730.424535 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 730.472000 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:851844>
DEBUG 731.473636 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 731.542994 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:3:23.9:47:11.9:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 731.543157 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 731.575187 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:852956>
DEBUG 731.575311 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 731.623366 sec : RES <
DEBUG 732.624934 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 732.678572 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:4:23.9:47:11.9:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 732.679026 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 732.726493 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:854097>
DEBUG 732.726703 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 732.774436 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:854141>
DEBUG 733.775770 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 733.829894 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:3:23.9:47:11.9:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 733.830218 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 733.877920 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:855239>
DEBUG 733.878174 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 733.925778 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:855297>
DEBUG 734.927364 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 734.981151 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:4:23.9:47:11.9:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 734.981476 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 735.029241 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:856394>
DEBUG 735.029455 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 735.077425 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:856438>
DEBUG 736.078922 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 736.148408 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:1:23.9:47:11.9:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 736.149122 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 736.180393 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:857549>
DEBUG 736.180605 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 736.228418 sec : RES <
DEBUG 737.230122 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 737.283611 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.9:47:11.9:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 737.283735 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 737.331683 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:858691>
DEBUG 737.331809 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 737.379559 sec : RES <PC:0.1:0.0:0.0:0.0:858735>
DEBUG 738.381149 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 738.450879 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:1:23.9:47:11.9:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 738.451269 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 738.498808 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:859847>
DEBUG 738.499011 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 738.547174 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:859905>
DEBUG 739.547845 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 739.602241 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.9:47:11.9:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 739.602633 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 739.650197 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:861002>
DEBUG 739.650481 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 739.697941 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:861045>
DEBUG 740.699544 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 740.753482 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.9:47:11.9:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 740.753975 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 740.801363 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:862144>
DEBUG 740.801584 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 740.849263 sec : RES <PC:0.1:0.0:0.0:0.0:862188>
DEBUG 741.850781 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 741.904878 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:4:23.9:47:11.9:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 741.905208 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 741.952780 sec : RES <
DEBUG 741.953018 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 742.000714 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:863344>
DEBUG 743.002203 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 743.056073 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.9:47:11.9:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 743.056489 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 743.103971 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:864442>
DEBUG 743.104194 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 743.152067 sec : RES <PC:0.1:0.0:0.0:0.0:864486>
DEBUG 744.153588 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 744.223486 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:3:23.9:47:11.9:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 744.223986 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 744.271495 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:865612>
DEBUG 744.271833 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 744.319484 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:865655>
DEBUG 745.321150 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 745.390503 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:4:23.9:47:11.9:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 745.390928 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 745.438531 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:866766>
DEBUG 745.438935 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 745.486578 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:866824>
DEBUG 746.487780 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 746.542025 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:1:23.9:47:11.9:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 746.542418 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 746.590042 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:867922>
DEBUG 746.590617 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 746.637716 sec : RES <PC:0.1:0.0:0.0:0.0:867965>
DEBUG 747.639460 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 747.709170 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:3:23.9:47:11.9:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 747.709504 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 747.757179 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:869092>
DEBUG 747.757431 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 747.805046 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:869135>
DEBUG 748.806796 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 748.860470 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:1:23.9:47:11.9:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 748.860833 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 748.908306 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:870234>
DEBUG 748.908517 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 748.956325 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:870277>
DEBUG 749.957786 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 750.027860 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:1:23.9:47:11.9:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 750.028121 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 750.091783 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:871407>
DEBUG 750.092136 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 750.139796 sec : RES <PC:0.1:0.0:0.0:0.0:871460>
DEBUG 751.141236 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 751.194927 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.9:46:11.6:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 751.195328 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 751.242774 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:872558>
DEBUG 751.242960 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 751.290882 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:872602>
DEBUG 752.291743 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 752.362230 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:5:23.9:46:11.6:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 752.362604 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 752.410066 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:873728>
DEBUG 752.410129 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 752.458160 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:873772>
DEBUG 753.459466 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 753.513684 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:3:23.9:46:11.6:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 753.513833 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 753.561803 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:874868>
DEBUG 753.562050 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 753.609807 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:874927>
DEBUG 754.611373 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 754.665135 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:1:23.9:46:11.6:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 754.665816 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 754.713027 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:876024>
DEBUG 754.713306 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 754.760913 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:876068>
DEBUG 755.762527 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 755.816457 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:1:23.9:46:11.6:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 755.816791 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 755.864075 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:877167>
DEBUG 755.864371 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 755.912074 sec : RES <PC:0.1:0.0:0.0:0.0:877210>
DEBUG 756.913878 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 756.967770 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:3:23.9:46:11.6:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 756.968231 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 757.015468 sec : RES <
DEBUG 757.015726 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 757.063357 sec : RES <PC:0.1:0.0:0.0:0.0:878366>
DEBUG 758.064857 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 758.118612 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:4:23.9:46:11.6:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 758.118691 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 758.166688 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:879464>
DEBUG 758.166877 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 758.214719 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:879508>
DEBUG 759.215754 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 759.286266 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:3:23.9:46:11.6:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 759.286668 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 759.334326 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:880634>
DEBUG 759.334968 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 759.381956 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:880677>
DEBUG 759.508034 sec : CMD <P2:5>
DEBUG 759.525772 sec : RES <P2:5>
DEBUG 760.383318 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 760.437751 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.9:46:11.6:1:0:0:0:0:0:5>
DEBUG 760.438155 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 760.485524 sec : RES <
DEBUG 760.485743 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 760.533436 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:881824>
DEBUG 761.534860 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 761.588720 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.9:46:11.6:1:0:0:0:0:0:5>
DEBUG 761.589136 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 761.636700 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:882922>
DEBUG 761.636939 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 761.668785 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:882965>
DEBUG 762.670325 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 762.739835 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:3:23.9:46:11.6:1:0:0:0:0:0:5>
DEBUG 762.740149 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 762.788015 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:884077>
DEBUG 762.788259 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 762.835744 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:884121>
DEBUG 763.836896 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 763.891254 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.9:46:11.6:1:0:0:0:0:0:5>
DEBUG 763.891564 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 763.939333 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:885220>
DEBUG 763.939550 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 763.987294 sec : RES <PC:0.1:0.0:0.0:0.0:885263>
DEBUG 764.921932 sec : CMD <P2:3>
DEBUG 764.946704 sec : RES <P2:3>
DEBUG 764.987793 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 765.042612 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:3:23.9:46:11.6:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 765.042939 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 765.090616 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:886365>
DEBUG 765.090881 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 765.138554 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:886423>
DEBUG 766.139763 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 766.194042 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:0:23.9:46:11.6:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 766.194414 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 766.242031 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:887522>
DEBUG 766.242277 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 766.289963 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:887565>
DEBUG 767.291543 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 767.361206 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.9:46:11.6:1:0:0:0:0:0:3>
DEBUG 767.361660 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 767.393526 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:888677>
DEBUG 767.394118 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 767.441198 sec : RES <
DEBUG 767.505519 sec : CMD <P2:8>
DEBUG 767.537009 sec : RES <P2:8>
DEBUG 768.443123 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 768.512602 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:3:23.9:46:11.6:1:0:0:0:0:0:8>
DEBUG 768.513012 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 768.560607 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:889836>
DEBUG 768.560860 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 768.608523 sec : RES <PC:0.1:0.0:0.0:0.0:889879>
DEBUG 769.610096 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 769.663919 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:1:23.9:46:11.6:1:0:0:0:0:0:8>
DEBUG 769.664301 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 769.711908 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:890977>
DEBUG 769.712162 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 769.759813 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:891021>
DEBUG 770.761479 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 770.830860 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:3:23.9:46:11.6:1:0:0:0:0:0:8>
DEBUG 770.831207 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 770.879221 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:892146>
DEBUG 770.879483 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 770.927001 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:892189>
DEBUG 771.929004 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 771.982462 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:4:23.9:46:11.6:1:0:0:0:0:0:8>
DEBUG 771.982888 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 772.030192 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:893287>
DEBUG 772.030628 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 772.078053 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:893331>
DEBUG 773.079730 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 773.133377 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:3:23.9:46:11.6:1:0:0:0:0:0:8>
DEBUG 773.133508 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 773.181500 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:894442>
DEBUG 773.182120 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 773.229265 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:894486>
DEBUG 774.230449 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 774.284686 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:0:23.9:46:11.6:1:0:0:0:0:0:8>
DEBUG 774.284831 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 774.332686 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:895583>
DEBUG 774.332749 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 774.364620 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:895627>
DEBUG 775.365914 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 775.435980 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.9:46:11.6:1:0:0:0:0:0:8>
DEBUG 775.436373 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 775.483893 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:896740>
DEBUG 775.484043 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 775.532050 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:896783>
DEBUG 776.533376 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 776.587286 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:3:23.9:46:11.6:1:0:0:0:0:0:8>
DEBUG 776.587525 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 776.635111 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:897882>
DEBUG 776.635263 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 776.683182 sec : RES <PC:0.1:0.0:0.0:0.0:897925>
DEBUG 777.683752 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 777.738730 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:3:23.9:46:11.6:1:0:0:0:0:0:8>
DEBUG 777.739013 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 777.786715 sec : RES <
DEBUG 777.786927 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 777.834667 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:899081>
DEBUG 778.835884 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 778.890232 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:0:23.9:46:11.6:1:0:0:0:0:0:8>
DEBUG 778.890708 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 778.937826 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.10:900178>
DEBUG 778.938165 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 778.985623 sec : RES <PC:0.1:0.0:0.0:0.0:900222>
DEBUG 779.986988 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 780.057423 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:2:23.9:46:11.6:1:0:0:0:0:0:8>
DEBUG 780.057702 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 780.105044 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.11:901349>
DEBUG 780.105214 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 780.153075 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:901393>
DEBUG 781.154636 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 781.208428 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:3:23.9:46:11.6:1:0:0:0:0:0:8>
DEBUG 781.208605 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 781.256357 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.11:902492>
DEBUG 781.256690 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 781.304209 sec : RES <PC:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:902536>
DEBUG 782.305655 sec : CMD <PA>
DEBUG 782.375776 sec : RES <PPBA:12.6:4:23.9:46:11.6:1:0:0:0:0:0:8>
DEBUG 782.376168 sec : CMD <PS>
DEBUG 782.407631 sec : RES <PS:0.03:0.01:0.11:903648>
DEBUG 782.407713 sec : CMD <PC>
DEBUG 782.455601 sec : RES <

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  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    01. 01. 1975
  • About me
    We all need darker skies.