Hartmut replied to the topic '64bit Astroberry' in the forum. 2 years ago

I had a similar question some weeks ago and never got a direct answer, just how to compile my own Bulseye Astroberry.
I love my old Astroberry working for me since 2 years with 3 setups, 5 cameras, 3 focussers and so on.

Unfortunately the developer of the Astroberry-Server doesn`t appear anymore anywhere :-(

However I just finished a N.I.N.A. project Mini-PC last week and now have 2 systems in parallel mounted on my EQ6.
Waiting for CS and 1st Light with N.I.N.A. If everything will work as expected I think I will remove and bury the PI because I woul like to have a future-proof system.
