Hartmut replied to the topic '64bit Astroberry' in the forum. 2 years ago

I bought Stellarmate for a 2nd setup (EAA) some years ago. Great to handel with a tablet only!

But very often had the problem that after an update of the Stellarmate APP it will not work anymore.
In these cases I had to remove the complete installation on my devices (iPAD & Android the same) and reinstall it. After that I have to setup all profiles again. :-(


Hartmut replied to the topic '64bit Astroberry' in the forum. 2 years ago

I had a similar question some weeks ago and never got a direct answer, just how to compile my own Bulseye Astroberry.
I love my old Astroberry working for me since 2 years with 3 setups, 5 cameras, 3 focussers and so on.

Unfortunately the developer of the Astroberry-Server doesn`t appear anymore anywhere :-(

However I just finished a N.I.N.A. project Mini-PC last week and now have 2 systems in parallel mounted on my EQ6.
Waiting for CS and 1st Light with N.I.N.A. If everything will work as expected I think I will remove and bury the PI because I woul like to have a future-proof system.



Hartmut replied to the topic 'How to back up SD card' in the forum. 2 years ago

There is a simple copy tool which comes with Astroberry.
Just use the "SD Card Copier" from the menu. Found only a screenshot from a german version but you will find it.
PlugIn an empty SD card from Size or bigger into a USB-SD card adapter and plugin the adapter into an USB3 port.


Currently I will keep ongoing with Astroberry for some time since everything (all of my cameras and mounts) is working well.
Hope that one time in the next month the "Astroberry project" will come with an 64Bit image.
However over the years I think an update/upgrade will be neccessary if I have to stay with 32Bit Astroberry.

One solution could be the AstroPi3 Project: github.com/rlancaste/AstroPi3
Hope it will be supported in future. It is based on 64Bit and looks not bad from what I can see from the screenshots

The alternative for me will be a MELE QUIETER 3C oder 3Q PC based on WIN11 + N.I.N.A.
3 or 4 USB3.0 / (1 x USB-C on type C) 12V and only 2A power consumption...


I'm using the Astroberry since 2 years or so on a 32Bit Pi4/4GB. I'm doing an apt-update and apt upgrade once a week but the update of KSTARS, EKOS and INDI seems to have ended.
My last INDI upgrade was with 1.9.7. On the Astroberry WIKI page as well on the Astroberry main web-page there is nothing to read about a necessary change to 64bit version in future.
Does anybody know the status? Or is the team only hard working to get the 64bit distribution / image to work and can't support the 2bit edition at the moment?



Thanks a lot! Just installed on WIN10 incl. the NET Framework and the NET Framework EXE.
Works great!



Hartmut replied to the topic 'Moonlite diy focuser no connection' in the forum. 2 years ago

I have build this focusser 3 times and working well. The capacitor is only neccessary if you connect the Arduino to an ASCOM driver.
However 100nF or up to 1µF is enough.
Did you check the focusser on a PC with N.I.N.A or something using the Moonlite Ascom driver and does it work?

On EKOS you should open the INDI window and select the correct USB interface. Otherwise it could be that the automatic port selection interferes with an other interface like EQMOD.


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