David Diaz created a new topic ' Mele Quieter & Windows - No Pi?' in the forum. 5 months ago

is it possible to run Stellarmate on a Mele Quieter 4 running Win 11 on the Scope, and run the Stellarmate ‘remote’ program on a tablet or phone, having no Pi hardware at all?

Thanks! David Diaz



Can you please give an update on your Focus Cube 2?

I hear it’s a really great unit.

Thank you!



David Diaz created a new topic ' Stellar Mate tablets' in the forum. 2 years ago


Does the Stellar mate tablet app run substantially better especially for live stack on high end tablets versus my $80 tablet?

iOW does the majority of the heavy lifting happen on the Pi or the tablet?

Thank you!

David D



I have an 8GB Pi 4 successfully running Stellarmate / Ekos with a direct Erhernet cable connected to my Windows laptop using a VNC connection.

Is it possible to place another Raspberry Pi in between my laptop and my StellarMate, and still have my VNC Connection, or would a router be necessary? VNC ran much slower for me when I experimented with a router last time.

I’d like to have the original PI run Ekos / StellarMate, and have the 2nd one monitor a shared folder with images, and run ASTAP to stack the images as they appear in the folder.

Thank you

David Diaz


Again, please pardon me if this question is somewhat odd, but if I wait long enough, will there be an automated answer to this issue of an updated, 64-bit third-party indi lib fix?

IOW, might I one day get s response here that says, ‘Click here to update..’ and that’ll be the end of it, or am I going to have to wait until I have the time to wrap my brain around the issue and solve it for myself?

And the Capitalist in me wants to know if anyone might have a GoFundMe or something like that where we can get the completed install package with a goodwill donation button?

Thanks in advance for the help.



Late to the game...

Have been running StellarMate 64bit without a hitch... until now.

The failure comes when trying to install the ZWO ASI Filter wheel driver, and I get the message:

'apt-key' is deprecated

I'm rather new to this, and all of the answers are somewhat beyond my capabilites at the moment.

Just received a notice that 64-bit was ready for prime time from Mr. Gordon Hollingsworth.

Can someone please direct me to the steps I need to take to update the ZWO Indi drivers on my 8GB Pi 4?

I can follow instructions well, but there are a lot of holes in this old CPU on my shoulders :)

Thanks in advance.

David D


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