Thank you Jasem. Working now.


shayan norasteh created a new topic ' ASTAP plate solving issue' in the forum. 4 years ago

I'm running kstars/ekos as client on win10.

I used "upload and slew" command in the solver tab and tried to solve locally. With "internal" and "local astrometry" StellarSolver options it can solve the image. When I moved to ASTAP, it fails:

In the Options->Configure tab, I tested all three source extraction methods and they all fail.
It seems to be looking for this file : externalSextractorSolver_14.ini <-- this is nowhere on my computer.
Any help would be appreciated.

[2021-02-19T12:34:52.621 Eastern Standard Time INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.fits] - Loading file "C:/Users/shaya/Desktop/APT_Images/CameraCCD_1/2021-01-30/"
[2021-02-19T12:34:52.872 Eastern Standard Time INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.align] - "ASTAP no longer supports alternative star extraction methods. Changing to built-in star extraction."
[2021-02-19T12:34:52.880 Eastern Standard Time INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.align] - "ASTAP does not support Parallel solves. Disabling that option"
[2021-02-19T12:34:52.887 Eastern Standard Time INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.align] - "Automatically downsampling the image by 3"
[2021-02-19T12:34:52.895 Eastern Standard Time INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.align] - "Evaluating Installed RAM for inParallel Option. Total Size of Index files: 2.77168 GB, Installed RAM: 15.8867 GB, Free RAM: 9.70027 GB"
[2021-02-19T12:34:52.903 Eastern Standard Time INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.align] - "There should be enough RAM to load the indexes in parallel."
[2021-02-19T12:34:52.911 Eastern Standard Time DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.capture] - setAlignStatus: 4
[2021-02-19T12:34:52.930 Eastern Standard Time INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.align] - "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
[2021-02-19T12:34:52.939 Eastern Standard Time INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.align] - "Configuring external ASTAP solver"
[2021-02-19T12:34:52.947 Eastern Standard Time INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.align] - "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
[2021-02-19T12:34:52.955 Eastern Standard Time INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.align] - "Starting external ASTAP Solver with the 1-Default profile..."
[2021-02-19T12:34:52.963 Eastern Standard Time INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.align] - "Command: C:/Program Files/astap/astap.exe -o C:/Users/shaya/AppData/Local/Temp/externalSextractorSolver_14.ini -speed auto -f C:/Users/shaya/AppData/Local/Temp/solverbd8758f17ecd4a5983251f838b5fa115.fits -wcs -z 3 -ra 5.27306 -spd 124.301 -r 15 -log"
[2021-02-19T12:34:53.229 Eastern Standard Time INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.align] - "Solver Failed."


shayan norasteh replied to the topic 'KStars/EKOS with INDIGOSKY' in the forum. 4 years ago

I understand it's somewhat of a gray area. It's an EKOS question, on INDIGO which is supposed to support INDI. I did ask the question on INDIGO forum as well and I was directed asking the question for any EKOS specific insights. But I do appreciate your response.


shayan norasteh created a new topic ' KStars/EKOS with INDIGOSKY' in the forum. 4 years ago

I've been running EKOS w/Astroberry (client=windows10, server RPI4) with a lot of connection and drop off issues. I switched to INDIGOSKY this week, and after a bit of trial and error, I find it more stable than astroberry. There seems to be a communications issues between ekos and indigosky:
- when my EAF focuser is connected, ekos does not show my backlash parameter in the focuser tab (shows 0), but it is present in the equipment tab.
- Unlike astroberry that saves your filterwheel list of filters, indigosky does not store it on ekos/kstars. I need to re-enter it everytime in the equipment tab.
- sometimes, upon disconnecting from the equipment, ekos crashes.

Just wondering if anyone here used indigosky and if they have issues as well.



When I go thru "Setup Wizard" in Kstars (3.5.1), it gives me an error: "Could not install .... file not found" (see pic). Anyone knows why?


I have exact same problem if anyone can help please.


I have been struggling for the past two months to get EKOS work reliably with my set up with RPI4+Astroberry:

KStar+Ekos on Windows 10 64bit
Edmod mount
ASI178 guidescope
ASI1600mm camera
ZWO focuser
ZWO filterwheel
Powered USB3 hub

I have not had a single session where everything worked flawlessly. Tow nights ago, the EQmod mount would not respond to "unpark" and "track" after repeated reboots/restarts. I have RPI4 connected via 5GHZ thru my EERO mesh wireless. The frustrating part is that everything connect and starts off fine, then EKOS gets stuck (on platesolving sometimes), and KStar crashes. After a reboot/restart (both RPI and my windows laptop), there's always a problem. Any help is greatly appreciated.


I've been getting this error almost non-stop now.

I have re-flashed astroberry, upgraded it, updated it and rebooted both the client and server side.

I managed to get LiveView from the camera, but no luck with exposure.

Any help is appreciated.


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