Thank you! I did not realize the debugger required some prior input before enabling it. I have not configured any of the debugging options as you describe, so that is certainly why that button doesn’t work!

- There were issues when disabling one of several cameras, it would affect the other cameras with the symptoms you describe. Fixed in latest git, so if you have access to nightly builds give it a try.

I’m running on MacOS. Do you know if it’s possibly for me to build the DMG from the latest git? Or do I need special SDK tools to make that happen?

- Is this using a Pi computer? Most issues I read were with them. Except for the case in the first point, I usually don't have download issues with the cameras (1600, 183, 290mini)

The night I ran into this problem, I was using a Macbook Pro, but I have also ran into this problem when testing out my RPI. I read somewhere that this could be because of a bandwidth issue when plugging multiple things into a single USB hub? All my stuff is plugged into a powered hub. I read something about the USB 2.0 ASI120mm not always playing nicely with other devices, such as my ASI183mc.

I’ve never heard of bandwidth/traffic issues on a USB hub before today. I figured that a USB 3.0 hub would have more than enough bandwidth to deal with an autoguider and imaging camera. Is that a legitimate cause that I should look into further?


Jake Grimsrud replied to the topic 'Ekos Capture module issue' in the forum. 4 years ago

Did anyone find a solution to this? I’m having the same problem on the MacOS build for version 3.5 when using a ZWO183MC.

This seems to be the list of possible causes that I’ve gathered from this thread:
1. Possible USB power issue - I’m using a powered USB hub, but it persists.
2. Possible bandwidth issue when autoguiding and imaging at the same time - This issue happens to me whether or not I am autoguiding, and whether or not I am using remote INDI server or local (direct connection).
3. Possible issue where the host computer has insufficient CPU resources - This issue happens whether I’m running Kstars on my RPI or running it from a Core-i7 laptop.

This still doesn’t seem to be solved. It also appears to be cross-platform and pervasive across multiple versions of Kstars from 2.9 all the way to 3.5. Any other suggestions on a possible fix?



I seem to be having some INDI driver stability issues on the latest 3.5.0 version of Kstars when using a ZWO autoguider and a ZWO imaging camera at the same time. Sometimes my imaging camera will stop exposing in the middle of a job for some reason. Last night I left my rig unattended for 90 minutes, only to come out and find that it had only taken 8x 90sec exposures. When I attempted to resume capture, I got the following error:

Error: Image Capture failed after 3 attempts

There are two variations of how these INDI driver issues play out:
1. When I hit Capture, I’ll see the countdown timer count down to zero, but then it will abruptly reset. So if my capture time is 90 seconds, it will count down to zero, then go back to 90 seconds again without displaying the image. It will try this 3 times and then display the error shown above.
2. When I hit capture, the countdown timer will go down to zero, but then it will get stuck on “Downloading...”. I am directly connected to the camera via USB 3.0, so this is not a wireless bandwidth issue.

I can temporarily fix the problem by disconnecting and then reconnecting the camera in INDI control panel, but it always comes back. I tried to enable INDI logging by pressing the “Debug Enable” button in the control panel, but it immediately goes back to being disabled again.

When researching this problem, I found a thread that suggested that connecting the camera to an unpowered USB hub could be the cause of this. I purchased a powered hub, but this problem persists.

Any ideas?



Everything is now working as it’s supposed to!

My alignment/plate solve issues came from multiple causes. Due to driver issues, I couldn’t manually enter in RA and DEC position to sync a more accurate position that would allow for a successful plate solve. With my new EQDirect cable and using EQMOD, the mount now accepts the synced coordinates. With a better understanding of how alignment works, I made sure my Park position was set to Polaris, I always start each session pointing towards the pole, and I always end each session by re-Parking the mount. Alignment is super accurate now - repeatedly down to 7 arc seconds error.

The reason my mount would randomly stop slewing was because I had inadvertently set my battery pack to “pass through” power from the battery charger. Because the mount requires at least 3 amps, and the battery charger can only deliver 2 amps at most, this was causing the mount to undervolt and abruptly stop during high speed slewing.

I have not yet tested the newly compiled DMG for improved QHY driver performance. My recipe for success to get back to business here is to take a big step back, then take some baby steps forward, and solve one thing at a time. Trying to immediately use all of my equipment at once was spelling disaster for me. Best thing to do is to get one Ekos tab working at a time. Now that I can successfully work the alignment tab well, maybe next time I’m doing this I’ll take another look at autoguiding and play around with the QHY again.

Here’s a test image of M42 I took a could couple days ago, after a successful alignment. Thanks everyone for all of your help!! Sorry I was so frustrated. Glad to be back at it again!


wvreeven wrote: Yes Mount Control allows for independent adjustment for the slew speed. If you set it globally in the INDI Control Panel then Mount Control will be updated accordingly.


Perfect. That also explains why I was having to constantly raise my slew speed in Mount Control every time I opened a new session of Kstars. Thank you!!!


wvreeven wrote: Go to the tab of your mount in the INDI config popup and inspect the sub-tabs one by one. You should be able to set the mac slew speed there. Then go to the Options sub-tab and click save.


Thanks, I’ll look through it again tonight. Curiously, if I manually slewed using Mount Control, it would do it at full speed. So I’m hoping there’s a setting that exclusively adjusts the alignment slew rate.


Hey everyone,

When testing out my rig last night, when I tried to use “Slew to Target” in the Alignment Module, the mount would move too slowly to be able to successfully get the alignment error to within 30 arcseconds in the specified 30 iteration limit. My initial alignment error was 10,000 arcseconds, but each iterative mount slew after i+1 was so small that it couldn’t possibly reduce this down by the 30th iteration. What I mean by that is, the solver indicated an error of 10,000 arcseconds, but only commanded a corrective movement of like 100 arcseconds at a time.

In the past when slew to target was successful (on an earlier Kstars build), for an equivalent pointing error of 10,000 arcseconds, the iterative slews were both larger and commanded at a faster slew rate.

Is there a setting somewhere that adjusts the aggressiveness of the slew corrections?


knro wrote: You don't need to "Flip RA". There is something very wrong in this. Share the logs and we'll see.

I was only able to fix it after disconnecting the mount, and leaving it “On” with the power source disconnected, then turning everything back on again.

The problem started because after a successful 1-point plate solve, I ordered the mount to slew to IC 1848. The mount started to slew, and then abruptly stopped:
2020-12-08T00:09:27: [WARNING] Warning: Command failed -> Failed command :J1 - Reply !4 
2020-12-08T00:09:27: [INFO] Iterative goto (2): slew mount to RA increment = 555005, DE increment = 741109 
2020-12-08T00:09:27: [INFO] Iterative Goto (2): RA diff = 10406.28 arcsecs DE diff = 209894.53 arcsecs 
2020-12-08T00:09:26: [WARNING] Warning: Command failed -> Failed command :J1 - Reply !4 
2020-12-08T00:09:26: [INFO] Iterative goto (1): slew mount to RA increment = 554938, DE increment = 741109 
2020-12-08T00:09:26: [INFO] Iterative Goto (1): RA diff = 10405.03 arcsecs DE diff = 209894.53 arcsecs 
2020-12-08T00:09:26: [INFO] Align: current point is 1

I believe this happened because of a current draw issue with the mount. I have the mount powered using a 2A 12V DC adapter. I don’t think 2 amps is enough during peak draw. If I run the mount off my lithium battery pack, this never happens.

Anyway, the only way to recover after that was to disconnect and reconnect to the mount in Ekos. But I never power cycled the mount. So when Ekos reconnected, the mount model and previous alignment never really cleared and it was all screwed up.

So I guess the cure here is to never let that amp overdraw issue occur. I either need a 5A power supply or run on battery.

By the time I finally figured all of this out, 4 hours had passed and the sky had become overcast. I guess I’ll give it another go tonight on battery power only and see if that fixes things.


I'm encountering an extremely difficult and confusing problem after bringing my telescope out tonight.

So I'm using the EQMod driver, and I power on the mount with the telescope facing Polaris, counterweights down. The "Telescope Position (JNOW) in the Ekos solver tab matches Polaris' position. All is well.

However, when I slew over to point the telescope to the east, the RA axis starts going in the wrong direction! I know this because I can use a stellarium app on my phone and point it in the direction of the telescope after the slew. The declination is correct, but RA is wrong. Consequently, my plate solver always fails and I never get my telescope aligned.

How do I flip the RA axis? I see a setting in the INDI control panel to "Flip DEC". How do I flip RA?


Hey all,

While running my Raspberry Pi 4 with the EQMOD driver, ZWO CCD driver for my imager, and ZWO CCD driver for my guider, I run into a problems sometimes with image acquisition. My imager is a ZWO183MC and the guider is a ZWO120MM mini.

If I go to capture an image using Ekos and select the ASI120, I can take a picture no problem and the FITS viewer shows up immediately. However, if I try to capture using the ASI183, often it will behave as though it’s taking a photo, but then it will say something like “recapturing”, and then the INDI Control Panel will display “Error: Image Capture failed after 3 attempts”. If I disconnect and then reconnect to the 183 in the Control Panel and try to capture an image again, it works fine for a while. With Kstars running on my laptop (bypassing the RP4) and the 183 directly connected, it works 100% of the time.

I also run into a problem on the RP4 where, when image capture via the 183 does work, it shows “Downloading...” for a significant period of time, sometimes up to 2 minutes for a single exposure. Could this be a bandwidth issue because I’m using a WiFi connection to the Pi? Would running an Ethernet cable to the Pi help with this?


  • Basic Information

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  • Birthdate
    09. 09. 1989
  • About me
    Astrophotography hobbyist