Ray replied to the topic 'AstroPi3 Scripts revised' in the forum. 4 years ago

Solved the Link Local Ethernet failure.
I went back to the script , copied and entered these lines directly into the terminal;

nmcli connection modify "Wired DHCP Ethernet" ipv4.may-fail no
nmcli connection add type ethernet ifname eth0 con-name "Link Local Ethernet" autoconnect yes ip4 $IP/24

Ignored all of the advice about setting IPv4 in the client computer ethernet connection and set it all to auto

Used the Real VNC Vnc viewer and created a new connection ROCK64:0

And it works (but no internet )

A few things from the script failed to load. I think I manually installed Kstars again and set up shares for file access. So perhaps interruptions of some kind messed up the script in the first place.
Reentering the (possibly failed ) script elements manually seemed to work and saved setting up the PHD settings and calibration all over or editing out whole sections of the script and reloading.

Back to the night with the Tak and the HEQ5 and dithered mono subs minus the long cable .