Ray replied to the topic 'AstroPi3 Scripts revised' in the forum. 4 years ago

Also installed the Edimax EW-7811UTC. Surprisingly it works also with VNC viewer. Not all of the suggested builds on the Edimax site for driver installation seemed to succeed but the dongle work in any case and perhaps would have worked without.


Ray replied to the topic 'AstroPi3 Scripts revised' in the forum. 4 years ago

With a little patience all working now. Just slow to respond swapping ethernet to link local and reconnecting.
Works with link local static IP Ipv4 and with wired ethernet automatic plus Ipv4 IP "alternate"
Wired ethernet providing internet now.


Ray replied to the topic 'AstroPi3 Scripts revised' in the forum. 4 years ago

"In the new version, I put it in as a virtual network so that it shouldn't prevent ethernet from working with DHCP if you connect it to a router, but it will still keep the static IP running in the field if you need to connect to your laptop. At least this is my reasoning, have you found that this isn't true anymore?"
Is that the part in the script that mentions;

sudo --preserve-env bash -c 'cat > /etc/network/interfaces' <<- EOF
# interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)
# Include files from /etc/network/interfaces.d:
source-directory /etc/network/interfaces.d
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

Maybe I could enter these lines in the terminal to ensure this is working?


Ray replied to the topic 'AstroPi3 Scripts revised' in the forum. 4 years ago

HMM . Seems like I can not get internet on ethernet with these settings until i change the Ethernet back from IPv4 static address in the Rock64 to auto. But then no Link Local Ethernet. So it seems I can have ethernet and link local ethernet connections for the Rock 64 or ethernet and internet but not all three.


Ray replied to the topic 'AstroPi3 Scripts revised' in the forum. 4 years ago

Solved the Link Local Ethernet failure.
I went back to the script , copied and entered these lines directly into the terminal;

nmcli connection modify "Wired DHCP Ethernet" ipv4.may-fail no
nmcli connection add type ethernet ifname eth0 con-name "Link Local Ethernet" autoconnect yes ip4 $IP/24

Ignored all of the advice about setting IPv4 in the client computer ethernet connection and set it all to auto

Used the Real VNC Vnc viewer and created a new connection ROCK64:0

And it works (but no internet )

A few things from the script failed to load. I think I manually installed Kstars again and set up shares for file access. So perhaps interruptions of some kind messed up the script in the first place.
Reentering the (possibly failed ) script elements manually seemed to work and saved setting up the PHD settings and calibration all over or editing out whole sections of the script and reloading.

Back to the night with the Tak and the HEQ5 and dithered mono subs minus the long cable .


Ray replied to the topic 'AstroPi3 Scripts revised' in the forum. 4 years ago

I have to add I have been able to connect to Rock 64 Debian with real VNC viewer over the network from the script installation. After some additional work I have been able to connect directly to the Share on the Rock64 with a direct Ethernet link. But x11 still throws me out attempting any VNC viewing through direct Ethernet link.
Any ideas how to modify X11 install to accept direct Ethernet link VNC viewer with password.?


Ray replied to the topic 'AstroPi3 Scripts revised' in the forum. 4 years ago

Thanks for all the work. I installed the scripts on a Rock64 with Debian and it works great over the network after I created a share for file transfer.
My only problem is can not find a VNC viewer I understand which will enable direct Ethernet cable access for a win10 computer to the Rock64.


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