Ralph replied to the topic 'New Pentax Driver Testing' in the forum. 4 years ago

My K70 was broken and i received it last week again... with a new shutter (under warranty). 50.000 pictures where maybe too much in 20 months :whistle:

Everything works fine now using the latest Kstars release. Pixelpitch etc. is reported as it should.

I even got my problem solved with the external power source. I cable i bought on AliExpress did it. Now i can power my K70 using an USB port on a powerbank.

Meanwhile i bought a K3 II in good condition while my K70 was at service.

The camera is recognized while using your Native Driver in PTP and MFT mode. I can change ISO, Aparture, exposure compensation, etc...

I was able to take exposures longer (?) than 30 seconds while in manual mode... but no file is transfered. Bulb is not working (or no second press is send to stop exposure?!?!?)

Any idea on this issue using the k3 II?