Wouldn't it be better to use MagicLantern or an external shutter release to take long exposures while using the SA?

I tried using Stellarmate myself while using my sold SA, but it is only usable while guiding and maybe to polar align proberly.

I usually get pinpoint stars around 1 minute with 180mm focal length when i do manually align the SA. But i have to take dark frames each session.




I own a 600d and save all the files locally on the Pi.

17 seconds is my time too, but i dither although. We are limited to a USB2 Port while using such an old camera.

A friend of mine did a test with an usb3 camera (some Sony) and it was faster (3-5 seconds).

I'm okay with that time. I do 300 seconds exposures and dithering. That are 11 pictures per hour. And i don't need to take dark frames... take that in count for the whole session.


Ralph replied to the topic 'Stellarmate App sync GPSt' in the forum. 4 years ago

I solved the GPS Sync Problem ;)

In KStars "KStars sync time and location" has to be set and not "GPS sets time and location".


Ralph created a new topic ' Stellarmate App sync GPSt' in the forum. 4 years ago


I can't figure out how to sync my GPS coordinates from my phone (running the latest beta on android).

I just hit "sync gps"... but nothing is happening. Do i have to set something in the "aux"?

And is it possible to display the actual GPS coordinates in the app? They are only displayed in KStars while using VNC.

I own a USB dongle, but my phones is faster in fixing. And the dongle is illuminated by a bright blue light which is anoying to watch the whole night.



Ralph replied to the topic 'New Pentax Driver Testing' in the forum. 4 years ago

I think you have to avoid ptp mode while using the K70.

I sold my K70 a few weeks ago, but the last time in used KStars downloading worked for me while in mft mode. Did you reset the driver after switching from ptp to mft?


Ralph replied to the topic 'New Pentax Driver Testing' in the forum. 4 years ago

I don't know what happend, but after i updated KStars i stumbled upon an update for "Pentax cameras in MSC Mode" and the K3 II is working :cheer:

1. MSC Mode
2. Bulb Mode with turned on GPS and Astrotracer

Great work :woohoo:



I own a HEQ5 Pro and sold my hand controller due using Stellarmate. Everything worked with my old Pentax K70 (platesolving etc.).

But now i sold my K70 and bought a K3 II. With the K3 II i am not able to take any photo using Stellarmate.

Is there a way to do a star alignment without platesolving in the way the 3 star alignment worked with the hand controller using the Live View of the K3 II. ( I sure can use plate solving etc. with my guiding cam, but it is sometimes to way off with small targets).

I only miss dithering... so i need dark frames. But that's okay.

The DSLR is triggered the classic way using a external remote ;)

My setup:

1. HEQ5 Pro
2. Pentax K3 II
3. ZWO ASI 120MM guiding camera (150mm fl)
4. Skywatcher PDS 750/150
5. Stellarmate (RPi 4 4GB)

Next step is buying a used Canon Da, i think they work best with Stellarmate. But not now.




Ralph replied to the topic 'New Pentax Driver Testing' in the forum. 4 years ago

It didn't work... i tried different combinations of the settings in camera and KStars/Ekos.

My conclusion is now not to sell the K70 and keep both cameras.

Fortunately i got no wife to discuss this ;)


Ralph replied to the topic 'New Pentax Driver Testing' in the forum. 4 years ago

My K70 was broken and i received it last week again... with a new shutter (under warranty). 50.000 pictures where maybe too much in 20 months :whistle:

Everything works fine now using the latest Kstars release. Pixelpitch etc. is reported as it should.

I even got my problem solved with the external power source. I cable i bought on AliExpress did it. Now i can power my K70 using an USB port on a powerbank.

Meanwhile i bought a K3 II in good condition while my K70 was at service.

The camera is recognized while using your Native Driver in PTP and MFT mode. I can change ISO, Aparture, exposure compensation, etc...

I was able to take exposures longer (?) than 30 seconds while in manual mode... but no file is transfered. Bulb is not working (or no second press is send to stop exposure?!?!?)

Any idea on this issue using the k3 II?


Ralph replied to the topic 'New Pentax Driver Testing' in the forum. 4 years ago

Anything new about the driver?


Ralph replied to the topic 'New Pentax Driver Testing' in the forum. 4 years ago

That was just a flash of thought ;)

I managed to get 1 arcminute error on the K70 while using my guiding cam to do the polar alignment. Think that's okay for 750mm focal length while guiding.


Ralph replied to the topic 'New Pentax Driver Testing' in the forum. 4 years ago

karlrees wrote: (Hmmm, I did just have an idea though--I wonder if I can could add an option for the driver to downsample or clip the original image before FITs conversion, to speed things up. I'll add that to my list of things to look into).

Than the polar alignment tool in ekos would maybe also be possible using the K70 and a refresh rate around 1 - 2 seconds. Am i right?.


Ralph replied to the topic 'New Pentax Driver Testing' in the forum. 4 years ago


I tried to compile the drivers, pktriggercord etc while i was running Astroberry because 3rd party drivers are not included.

But 3rd Party indi drivers are included in Stellarmate. The last monthly update featured your work. Maybe something went wrong and Jasem can fix it.

PTP is working with short exposures while using the Gphoto CCD or Pentax legacy. But i think both don't use pktriggercord. So no help at all.

And i stumbled another bug (on my rig). After i turned on debugging (K70) i wasn't able to turn it off again. Purge, load, deleting the files in the ./Indi folder... nothing worked. So i did a third fresh Install today :) time to use a second mirco SD Card for testing.


I tried again to change the ISO and took a look at the values and not the histogram. They stay nearly the same (tried ISO 100 and then ISO 102400). I will try it again tomorrow, nightshift is calling.

Did you try PTP mode?


Ralph replied to the topic 'New Pentax Driver Testing' in the forum. 4 years ago


Sorry... checked again... 32bit OS :blink: i think i messed something up. Since i am using a 32bit OS... PTP mode is still not working for me :huh: @drawsacircle Did you tried PTP mode and are you using a RPi4 too?

And you are right Karl. ISO settings in Ekos don't work. The ISO you set is written in the file header, but the cam is using heir ISO. Did some tests and checked the images. Look the same. One at ISO 100 and one at 102400. The second one should be only white and totally overexposed... but looks the same as the one shot at ISO 100 :(

Cheered too soon :whistle:


Ralph replied to the topic 'New Pentax Driver Testing' in the forum. 4 years ago

Ahhh... good to know. Never used an autofocuser, thought it will use for calculation a video stream.

But i switched from a refractor to a newtonian telescope a week ago. I read a lot about focus instability related to newtonian telescopes and that an autofocuser will save a lot of lightframes.

So LiveView is only usefull for planetary imaging (btw, tried this two days ago the first time using my ZWO 120mm Mini Guider attached to my 750/150, it worked, but i didn't know what i was doing. I got Jupiter and 3 of his moons, but way too bright. But sum stacking the ser file in siril worked... next time ;) )


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