Mark Elliott replied to the topic 'Two astroberries, one GPS' in the forum. 2 years ago

Sharing GPS with Indi was the easy bit, that works well.

I was trying to share with Astroberry OS, so on all Astroberry devices the GPS panel etc would update.

It was more of a mind game than a necessity. I might try again one bored day.


Mark Elliott replied to the topic 'Two astroberries, one GPS' in the forum. 2 years ago

I gave up. I tried all sorts and mostly achieved nothing.

In fact, I've given up with astroberry - gone back to good old Buster/Indiwebmanager on PIs, and Ubuntu/kstars on laptop.

It was an interesting exercise, but in the end beyond my skills (and patience).



Mark Elliott replied to the topic 'Two astroberries, one GPS' in the forum. 2 years ago

Thanks guys,

I'll try these later in the week and let you know



Mark Elliott created a new topic ' Two astroberries, one GPS' in the forum. 2 years ago

Hi all,

I have two astroberries on my network, one with a UBlox GPS dongle, the other without.

GPS dongle works fine - plug it in and time/location update, indi driver runs, GPS panel updates location etc etc. I've disabled VirtualGPS and set gpsd listen stream to

All good.

I've disabled VirtualGPs etc.
Ekos sees the GPS Indi driver on DeviceOne, so KStars updates correctly, etc
CGPS, GPSMon, XGPS can all see GPS on DeviceOne:2947 and report position/time from it correctly.

All good.

What I would like is for DeviceTwo astroberry OS, GPS Panel, system time etc to also update from the GPS on DeviceOne

But, in GPS Panel on DeviceTwo, all I see is "Waiting....".

I've plugged the GPS dongle into DeviceTwo and GPS Panel etc all update correctly.

So I want GPS Panel, system time etc on DeviceTwo to be set from GPS on DeviceOne.

Anybody point me at what I need to do to get DeviceTwo to see the GPS on DeviceOne and behave as though it were directly connected?

Thanks in advance,


Mark Elliott created a new topic ' Astroberry on multiple PIs' in the forum. 3 years ago

Here's a thing...

3 kids, each with an Rpi4, one newbee parent. 

One scope, Skywatcher Eqm35-pro goto, ASI120 guide, D7200 imaging.

Think of this as a project, rather than an ideal solution. 

Is it possible to install Astroberry on each  Rpi4 and have each child take on their own part of the task, such as one for imaging and guide camera, one for mount control and one for PA and plate solving. With overall control from one PC in the house. 

Can Astroberry be configured in this way? (I'm pretty sure ekos/indi etc can), or would be a case of Astroberry on one Pi, and indi servers on the others? 




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