mikeE created a new topic ' Pegasus UPBv3 indi driver issue' in the forum. 7 months ago

So I just got my new Pegasus upb v3 the other day. First thing I did was use the Unity application to update to the latest firmware from Pegasus (1.3). Then updated kstars bleeding and indi to the latest version. I'm getting these errors every second. (see pic). This is driving me nuts. Using the Unity app all is well. Every sensor, every port works as expected. I've been troubleshooting all day. I've tried using different pc's running SM software (just to eliminate the pc itself), changing usb cables you name it. I just cant get this ubp v3 to work at all! I've convinced myself its a indi driver issue. All the tabs come up in ekos, but none of the fields are populated with data from the upb device. Is there anything I can do? Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks for your help, Mike