mikeE created a new topic ' Looking for recommendations' in the forum. 5 months ago

Hi, I'm looking for recommendations for a motorized flat panel. I have a Skywatcher 120 triplet. The most important feature to me is it has to support INDI and work very well within EKOS. I shoot with a asi2600mc pro with both broadband and narrowband filters. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.


I see theres and indiserver gui on the desktop, I can get it to autostart at boot, but it doesnt start the indiserver itself. I have to hit the "start indi server" button. Is it possible to just autostart the server with the correct drivers on boot? thanks.


Well, doing a little trial and error (which I shouldnt have to do with such an expensive mount!!) it turns out if I use the lx200 OnStep indi driver the flip does work. However, it never sends a message telling kstars the flip has started. Any idea how one could change this? When I was using eq6 mount, it (or the eqmod indi driver) informed kstars of the flip and I had a kstars notification sound that would alert me of the flip. That was nice as I didn't have to sit there waiting for it to happen. I could be in another room and simply hear the kstars notification sound. I'd like to have the same with this NYX-101 mount.


Hello all, I have a Pegasus NYX-101 mount. Using the Pegasus NYX-101 indi driver works on MOST things. But for the life of me I cant get it to do a meridian flip. When it gets close to the meridian (within approx. 3 mins and 50 ish seconds away from the meridian) tracking turns off and it just sits there. It doesn't seem to be writing anything in the logs about turning tracking off. Is anyone out there using a different indi driver that's doing the flip? I'm hoping someone out there has an answer. I'm quickly getting to the end of my rope on this mount.


mikeE replied to the topic 'Pegasus UPBv3 indi driver issue' in the forum. 7 months ago

yes, I'm on 1.6 as well. Getting the connection isn't the issue, Once connected, all the fields are zero'd out (temp, humidty, etc) and I'm not able to turn on the dew heater ports. I'm thinking the same as you, its a driver issue. I did send Pegasus an email late this afternoon. Hopefully, they will be able to help. thanks


mikeE created a new topic ' Pegasus UPBv3 indi driver issue' in the forum. 7 months ago

So I just got my new Pegasus upb v3 the other day. First thing I did was use the Unity application to update to the latest firmware from Pegasus (1.3). Then updated kstars bleeding and indi to the latest version. I'm getting these errors every second. (see pic). This is driving me nuts. Using the Unity app all is well. Every sensor, every port works as expected. I've been troubleshooting all day. I've tried using different pc's running SM software (just to eliminate the pc itself), changing usb cables you name it. I just cant get this ubp v3 to work at all! I've convinced myself its a indi driver issue. All the tabs come up in ekos, but none of the fields are populated with data from the upb device. Is there anything I can do? Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks for your help, Mike


Morning everyone, so I just replaced my eq6 with the Pegasus NYX-101 mount. I modified the ekos profile and changed the eqmod to nyx101 and saved it. However when I launch ekos, the eqmod tab is still there. I've even gone as far as to create a new profile. Even after that, when I launch ekos, the eqmod tab is still there. How to I delete it? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Mike


I agree, as long as phd2 is connected to the correct camera, I'm not sure it really matters what ekos thinks. Everything seems to be working as it should, and guiding is spot on. Thanks for your help.


im running stellarmate phd2 connecting to it from my pc in the house running kstars. im just pointing kstars to the stellarmate ip for connection. oddly enough, phd2 on the stellarmate pi is connecting to the correct camera and mount. its only with in ekos on my pc thats showing connected to the primary train. im not even sure is this is a problem or not. if phd2 on the stellarmate pi is connected to the proper camera and mount, does it really matter what ekos is reporting?


Hi, everytime I launch ekos, it selects my primary optical train for my guiding. I have to disconnect from phd2 and then manually select my secondary train which is my guide scope. I thought ekos would remember my selection, but it doesn't. Is this normal? If not, how can I make it remember which optical train to select when it's launched? Thanks, Mike


mikeE replied to the topic 'What did I miss while away??' in the forum. 1 year ago

After several hours of removing, purging deleting dirs and still no luck. I broke down and bought stellar mate. problem solved.


mikeE replied to the topic 'What did I miss while away??' in the forum. 1 year ago

Good Morning, My apologies. I should have done a better job explaining my set up. I do update the pi running indi, however, that's all that pi does. I run kstars remotely and just point kstars to that pi running indi. I'll upgrade kstars and let you know if the problem persists. Thanks Hy


mikeE replied to the topic 'What did I miss while away??' in the forum. 1 year ago

My workstation is running kstars 3.5.7 stable. I dont see anything talking about optical trains. were optical trains implemented in this version?


mikeE created a new topic ' What did I miss while away??' in the forum. 1 year ago

Hi Everyone,
Every yr I bring my observatory offline and put everything in the house for the spring. So today was "put the telescope back together day". Prior to installing all the hardware, I was have run updates on the raspberry pi thats runs my indi server. This yr was no different. However, at the end of the day when I powered everything up. instead of the usual 2 tabs with in ekos, 1 for my 294mc camera and 1 for my 290mm mini guiding camera, there was only 1 camera tab for the 294mc pro. I thought at first I had overlooked plugging the usb cable. I didn't. Then I thought, a bad usb cable. It wasn't. Then I thought maybe the 290mm mini had dropped. It didn't didn't. Under the tab for the 290mc pro I see a field called cameras and it shows BOTH cameras there. Only the 294 is connected. When I click on the 290mm, I get a message below that says something to the effect the driver must be restarted for changes to take effect. Regardless what I do, I'm unable to connect to the 290mm mini.

Did something changes sense last fall in some code somewhere???? I"m at a loss here. Thanks for any help guys. Mike


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