For some reason this isn't working now. Are there any tools to debug why the Wifi connection that all the devices in my house are using can't be connected to the Astroberry server? I have tried the hotspot and also wired and they both work.


Not sure what I changed but it is working now.


I had to reflash my Astroberry on my Raspberry pi due to a failed upgrade. I am trying to get it to connect to my local wifi but I can't get it to work. I have changed the wireless connection settings but it will not connect. Any ideas?


Jason Dain created a new topic ' FITS Viewer center telescope' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hi there. I'm wondering if anybody has issues with the center telescope tool in the FITS viewer. A lot of the time the coordinates show as all 0's and I'm not sure why. The documentation shows i needs to have a WCS coordinate set on the image which i should. Any ideas on why this is happening?


Jason Dain replied to the topic 'Fault Tolerance' in the forum. 4 years ago

I was using the CCD Image sequence but will check out the Scheduler. Thanks


Jason Dain created a new topic ' Fault Tolerance' in the forum. 4 years ago

Last night while imaging, a bank of clouds rolled through and my imaging session aborted due to PHD2 losing its guide star. Is there any way to set some kind of retry interval or something to try again after a period of time? It would be great if one cloud or other fault wouldn't ruin a while night of imaging. I suppose I could wake up periodically and check on things but I'm looking for a more automated solution.



I tried all of the notes above in the link provided and it still seems to get into an endless in 500 pts and out 500 pts and never achieves focus. Someone else mentioned limiting the amount of travel but I'm not sure what setting he is referring to or the value I should use. Any other suggestions? Thanks


I am using a DSLR so it is not the central obstruction. It could be stepping too far out and then getting messed up as you say. What initial step size would you suggest?


I am working from a Bortle 4 sky area and when using the focus module, sometimes it appears to work properly (verified with Bahtinov mask) and other times it ends up reporting that it has focused but I end up with donut stars. I would love to be able to use this but I just don't have confidence that it will give me a good result. Has anyone else seen this? For example, last night I started imaging with manual focus and then about 1.5 hrs in, I used the autofocus module and it worked fine. A few hrs later, I used it again, the stars looked OK and went back to bed. Turns out all my images from that point on were no good. Help?



Jason Dain replied to the topic 'fits viewer histogram' in the forum. 4 years ago

This is about my only pet peeve now is that I can't monitor things without downloading the file and looking at it in photoshop or camera RAW. This would be an extremely useful feature to have.


Jason Dain replied to the topic 'Astrometry image won't solve' in the forum. 4 years ago

So it turns out that the update to the focal length and aperture didn't update the FOV in the align module even though the option to auto update was on. It was coming up with a 55 x 38 or so value for my crop nikon camera with a 1000mm focal length and the correct value is 83.2 x 55.5. Submitting the image to gave the correct FOV and once it was entered and the scope was slewed to the right position it solved the image. I can't test the solve and slew at the moment as its daylight but my image from last night solves fine and does so pretty quickly. Not sure if this is a bug or not.


Jason Dain replied to the topic 'Astrometry image won't solve' in the forum. 4 years ago

I had used 1500mm as I'm using a crop sensor. I can't recall what I did last night. I'll hook up all my stuff and double check in a bit.


Jason Dain replied to the topic 'Astrometry image won't solve' in the forum. 4 years ago

This is what the online solver said -- 83.2 x 55.5 arcmin. I just plugged those numbers in and got it to solve properly. I'll have to check what it puts in there when I connect my camera and stuff. Thanks!


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    03. 05. 1973
  • About me
    Got my start in Astrophotography this winter using windows laptop but now converted over to using Raspberry pi 4. Using Nikon camera and lenses on a Skywatcher EQ6R-Pro mount.