Hi all,

I just have upgraded my Ubuntu to latest Indi-Lib, now I start Kstars and Ekos with no problem. When I startup Indi from Ekos
using my equipment, startup of Indi service fails with error message:

execvp: ----> no such file or directory

I tried with different equipment configurations and I even created a new configuration with only simulators with no success.
I checked the Indi logfile directory which was surprisingly empty although I have set Indi logging to ON.

I completely de-installed indi-full, gsc and kstars-bleeding and did a complete re-install, but the error still occurs with no logfile in
the log directory.

Can somebody point me int the direction how to resolve this issue please,

Any help is appreciated,
Thanks in advance



I 4 weeks have passed since my ZWO cameras do no longer work with latest INDI Lib.
I today did an apt-get update but can confirm that ZWO cameras still do not work.
Is there no progress on this issue?
Is there a workaround available?
Any hint is highly appreciated,

Clear skies,


Sorry, but it's not an issue regarding power supply. If I use the same USB port in combination with another capture
software from ZWO (ASIAIR) the camera works flawlessly. Something has changed with regard to INDI drivers,
the log tells me that the camera is connected but after starting the exposure the driver does not get exposure status...



I have Ubuntu 20.04 on ARM64 board with INDI-FULL/KSTARS.
EKOS connects successfully to my ZWO ASI MC071 pro camera.

I have set values for both GPSStartLine/GPSEndLine to zero as suggested by this post:

When I initiate an exposure nothing happens and after some seconds INDI control panel message says retrying a new capture.
The log file shows:

- "ZWO CCD ASI071MC Pro ist verbunden."
- ZWO CCD ASI071MC Pro : "[DEBUG] Snopping on Mount iOptron GEM28 "
- ZWO CCD ASI071MC Pro : "[DEBUG] Snopping on Rotator Rotator Simulator "
- ZWO CCD ASI071MC Pro : "[DEBUG] Snopping on Focuser Focuser Simulator "
- ZWO CCD ASI071MC Pro : "[DEBUG] No filter wheel is set. Clearing All filter wheel watchers. "
- ZWO CCD ASI071MC Pro : "[DEBUG] Snopping on Mount iOptron GEM28 "
- ZWO CCD ASI071MC Pro : "[DEBUG] Snopping on Rotator Rotator Simulator "
- ZWO CCD ASI071MC Pro : "[DEBUG] Snopping on Focuser Focuser Simulator "
- ZWO CCD ASI071MC Pro : "[DEBUG] No filter wheel is set. Clearing All filter wheel watchers. "
- ZWO CCD ASI071MC Pro : "[DEBUG] Configuration successfully saved for SCOPE_INFO. "
- ZWO CCD ASI071MC Pro : "[DEBUG] Configuration successfully saved for SCOPE_INFO. "
- Preparing capture job "" for execution.
- "Capturing 0,010-second image..."
- ZWO CCD ASI071MC Pro : "[DEBUG] StartExposure->setexp : 0.010s "
- ZWO CCD ASI071MC Pro : "[DEBUG] ASIGetExpStatus failed. Restarting exposure... "
- ZWO CCD ASI071MC Pro : "[DEBUG] StartExposure->setexp : 0.010s "
- ZWO CCD ASI071MC Pro : "[DEBUG] ASIGetExpStatus failed. Restarting exposure... "
- ZWO CCD ASI071MC Pro : "[DEBUG] StartExposure->setexp : 0.010s "
- ZWO CCD ASI071MC Pro : "[ERROR] Exposure failed after 3 attempts. "
- "Capture failed. Check INDI Control Panel for details."

I tried the camera with another capture application and can confirm that the camera works flawlessly...

I checked all ZWO xml-configuration files in the .indi directory and all files show GPSStartLine/GPSEndLine = 0, also
in the INDI control panel I have GPSStart/EndLines=0 in the camera's control tab.

I have attached the indi-log-file for more information.

Has anybody ideas what to do to get the camera capture process to work?

Any hint is appreciated,


A happy new year 2024 to ALL!!

I have a Raspberry Pi clone board (rockpi 4cplus with NVME memory card) running Ubuntu 20.04 where I could not install
full indi due to missing package indi-avalonud (see different posting).

Now I have installed indi with basic drivers:
sudo apt-get install libindi1 indibin
and sudo apt-get install kstars-bleeding

Installation runs without errors.

Now when I start KSTARS/EKOS and try to startup INDI server by connecting my equipment
the server does not come up and the log-file says:

"Driver "ZWO CCD" failed to start. Retrying in 5 seconds"

The Ubuntu system has recognized the camera as checked with lsusb:
"Bus 005 Device 002: ID 03c3:071b ZWO ASI071MC Pro"

What can I do to make the ZWO CCD driver to startup?

Any help is welcome,



I have done
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
with no effect:
number of packets to be updated: 0
number of packets to be installed: 0
number of packets to be removed:0
number of packets not up-to-date: 0

So ,my ubuntu system is 20.04 is up-to-date.

Trying to do sudo apt-get install indi-avalonud gives

package indi-avalonud is not available, but is referenced by another package.
tis means the package is either missing, has been replaced or is available through
different source.

I think package indi-avalonud deals with AVALON devices which I do not have, so is there
a way to install indi just excluding this problem package?
Or can we in any way resolve this unresolved dependency?

I have done
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mutlaqja/ppa

and there was no error message.

doing apt-get install indi-full gsc gives error:

following packets have unresolved dependencies:
indi-full: is related to indi-avalonud which cannot be installed
E: problems cannot be resolved, you have missing defects packages.

I include the original message printout here:

pi@rock-4c-plus:~$ sudo apt-get install indi-full gsc
Paketlisten werden gelesen... Fertig
Abhängigkeitsbaum wird aufgebaut.
Statusinformationen werden eingelesen.... Fertig
Einige Pakete konnten nicht installiert werden. Das kann bedeuten, dass
Sie eine unmögliche Situation angefordert haben oder, wenn Sie die
Unstable-Distribution verwenden, dass einige erforderliche Pakete noch
nicht erstellt wurden oder Incoming noch nicht verlassen haben.
Die folgenden Informationen helfen Ihnen vielleicht, die Situation zu lösen:

Die folgenden Pakete haben unerfüllte Abhängigkeiten:
indi-full : Hängt ab von: indi-avalonud ist aber nicht installierbar
E: Probleme können nicht korrigiert werden, Sie haben zurückgehaltene defekte Pakete.

What can I do to overcome this ?

Thanks for any hint,


I just wanted to install full indilib on a Raspberry Pi clone (rockpi4+) running KDE ubuntu focal (20.04).
I added the repository:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mutlaqja/ppa
and sudo apt-get update

then sudo apt-get install indi-full gsc

gives error message:

installation fails due to packages with unresolved dependencies:
indi-full : depends on indi-avalonud which cannot be installed
Error: you have unresolved dependencies...

Can anybody help?

Thanks in advance


Hello Tom, I have just done a check on my RockPi4c board and as expected there is no piggpiod daemon running under
Ubuntu. I downloaded the library like this:
wget github.com/joan2937/pigpio/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
cd pigpio-master
sudo make install

Everything worked fine with no error messages, however when I start the daemon with sudo pigpiod, I get a message
"Sorry - this system does not appear to be a raspberry pi - aborting". So there is obviously somewhere a hardware check
which needs to be removed...
You have any idea?


Hallo Tom,
Thank you very much for the Info. Since the Rock Pi4c+ Board came without OS, I have installed
Ubuntu 22.02 and full indilib with Ekos/Kstars. So this part is working flawlessly. I have an ASIAIR
Pro from which I took the powerboard and driver indi_asi_power cannot connect.
And now it's clear why It is not working: since it is not an original Raspbian Installation, there is no
pigpiod daemon running under Ubuntu. I am not sure if I can install it with sudo apt-get install pigpio, I shall give it a try. Maybe you have a tip for the Installation...?


I have purchased a powerful SBC in RaspberryPi format based namedRockPi4cplus powered by a Rock RK3399-T chip.. I have successfully installed
UBUNTU 22.04 on a 250 GB 2230 NVME ssd sitting on that board, I have configured a VNC server and today I installed all indi libs and full Ekos/Kstars.
Everything is just working fine, mount, ASI cameras, focuser, rotator, all works flawlessly. Now I have put the board on top of an ASIAIR pro electric board via
the 40-pin-GPIO interface, which also powers the RockPi 4cplus board up, however, the 4 12volt output ports do not worke since the used indi driver
ASI_Power fails to start. Is someone out there within our community having an idea where to look to get the driver working?
Any hint would be appreciated,
Thanks in advance


High Laurent,,
don't be afraid about differencies between your and my config.txt file.

Just add with an editor (use notepad or notepad2 as editor, because it is important that the end-of-line info is written in Linux standard.)

So just run windows notepad and add the lines

#Enable 12v gpio output

just ahead of the section [all].

Note that lines beginng with an "#" are commentary lines, so these lines have no effect.

Give it a try, and reboot your Pi4. It will work.



As already discussed the ASIAIR Pro (which is a Raspberry Pi4) can be operated with the SM OS. Just flash the SM OS to a fresh microSD card and boot
the ASIAIR pro up. However, as mentioned by Laurent.Wolff, in this "normal" Stellarmate configuration the 12 volts power output ports do not operate.

I have an ASIAIR pro in use, the 12v ports are configured "on" or "off" in the ASIAIR app. If you turn on all 12v ports in the App, then the power ports are
immediately available upon booting the ASIAIR with the ASIAIR OS, no need to start the app on the tablet, so the configuration is stored within hardware

I had a closer look on the ASIAIR pro microSD card and looked into the file config.txt. The power outlets are configured there, when they have been turned on
previously by the ASIAIR app.

So, I took the Stellarmate OS microSD and edited it's config.txt.

Simply change the config.txt in the [pi4] section and add 2 additional lines in front of the [all] section like this:

# Enable DRM VC4 V3D driver on top of the dispmanx display stack

# I2C Bus

#Enable 12v gpio output <

new line
gpio=18,12,13,26=op,dh,pu <
new line


I have attached the config.txt file for those of you who are not familiar with file editing. Just copy the config.txt to the root directory of the SM microSD card.

When booting up the ASIAIR pro with the edited SM microSD card, the power outlets are available upon bootup.

I have successfully operated both the camera cooler and the electronic focuser using the 12V power ports with Stellarmate.

Hope this helps anybody who wants to operate the ASIAIR Pro with the much more powerful Stellarmate OS!!!!!!!




Hello Jasem,
How can we get the command set ?
I have the official ASCOM driver of the ESATTO focuser available.

If I can help somehow I would be glad to do so...



I see that INDI supports the PrimaluceLab SESTOSENSO motorfocuser.

Is there a chance for support of the new PrimaluceLab ESATTO 2" motorized focusser ?



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