Glen replied to the topic 'Experiences Using SM Beta on RPi 4, 4GB' in the forum. 5 years ago

I’ve come into the Rpi world very recently so very inexperienced in all of this, I’ve had similar experiences of flaky hotspot and WiFi. My solution was to stick a usb WiFi antenna in and disable the hotspot. No lost connections, always available. My setup is fixed so no need of hotspot, so for me this works. What I have found that don’t understand is what I’d describe as stalls or slow downs, at first I thought this was WiFi speeds but now I don’t think it is.

I’ve seen numerous screen shots with system monitor info, cpu mem etc on the right, so far not figured whether that’s a util or a system feature, what do people use to display this sort of info, as I’d like to see what’s going off when things grind to a halt.