Glen created a new topic ' Pegasus USB Control Hub' in the forum. 3 years ago

HI is anyone using the Pegasus USB Control HUB with Stellarmate, I can select the the UCH as an auxillary yet it fails to connect. I have a Powerbox Micro attched to the UCH and this is recognised and connects fine. Do i need to to anything else to enable the UCH.

Thanks Glen


Glen replied to the topic 'Lakeside Focuser Firmware Version' in the forum. 5 years ago


thanks for that, i will use the auto focus and that was always my intention, the presets were about moving to the initial rough focus position then letting autofocus do its stuff , or parking the focuser at the end of the night. I can use the preset controls on the controller providing it is not connected to INDI but ideally id like to manage things within the application. If connected to INDI the controller behaves a bit erratically under manual mode. I only have my previous software (SkyX) to go by, so i'm uncertain how things should behave now , and can only go on how i think they should behave which may not of course be right.

when you're back form hols let me know when its convenient to take this further



Glen replied to the topic 'Lakeside Focuser Firmware Version' in the forum. 5 years ago

I have now updated the firmware on the older model of the focuser controller and added a temperature sensor to the stepper DB9 connector and i have tried all combinations of controllers and temp sensor i can and this has given some improvements, but still whenever i try to use a preset in INDI control panel or go to absolute in EKOS i'm getting the same result in that the driver crashes.

The results for what they're worth are below and may be useful as notes if anyone has similar hardware.

LakeSide Version 1 With Serial Connection, Firmware 1.0.3 With Internal Sensor.
Internal Sensor Disabled. External Sensor Powered and Enabled
Enable Backlash and Reverse Motion these give [ERROR] ReadBuffer: Read failed - Timeout error
Goto Preset - Driver Crash, had to terminate application

Lakeside Version 1 With Serial Connection, Firmware 1.0.3 With Internal Sensor
Internal Sensor Enabled. External Sensor Disabled
Enable Backlash and Reverse Motion these give [ERROR] ReadBuffer: Read failed - Timeout error
Goto Preset - Driver Crash, had to terminate application

Re-Flashed Chip Installed to Latest Firmware 1.3.0

Lakeside Version 1 with Serial Connection, Firmware 1.3.0 With Internal Sensor.
Internal Sensor Enabled. External Sensor Disabled
Enable Backlash and Reverse Motion Both immediately turn green and enableing either now works
Goto Preset - Driver Crash, had to terminate application

Lakeside Version 1 with Serial Connection, Firmware 1.3.0 With Internal Sensor.
Internal Sensor Disabled. External Sensor Powered and Enabled
Enable Backlash and Reverse Motion Both immediately turn green and enableing either now works
Goto Preset - Driver Crash, had to terminate application

Version 1 of the focuser with Firmware 1.3.0 all options appear to set correctly with the exception of Deubug which enables then imediately disables. Not sure if that is meant to be like that and debug is meant to be controlled by INDI. In all cases moving to a preset from within the INDI control panel causes a driver crash which requires Kstars to be terminated. Firmware Version 1.0.3 has a lot of problems with options not setting correctly. Originally i was getting the error relating to temp not being polled and that was even with an internal sensor present and active, im guessing that installing an external sensor is the reason this error has gone away even though the external sensor isnt actually being used. From within EKOS step moves work and go to absolute position works sometimes ,but other times you get the Driver crash, same as using a preset from the INDI control panel.

Lakeside Version 2 with USB Connection, Firmware 1.3.0 With No Internal Sensor.
External Sensor Powered and Enabled
Go to Preset - Driver Crash, had to terminate application

Lakeside Version 2 with USB Connection, Firmware 1.3.0 With No Internal Sensor.
External Sensor Disabled
Go to Preset - Driver Crash, had to terminate application

Version 2 of the focuser with Firmware 1.3.0 all options appear to set correctly with the exception of Debug same as version 1. Go to presets result in same situation as version 1, but sometimes the INDI focusser tab closes and Kstars appear to carry on functioning, more often its a crash and terminate. Again the physical presence of an external sensor seems to make a big difference. Within EKOS the go to absolute crashed same as version 1.

I have tested as much as i can and unless i'm missing something obvious, then i cant get the focuser to work correctly or consistently.

Phil if you're happy to help with this then i can test either/both versions of the controller and temp sensor combinations.



Glen replied to the topic 'Lakeside Focuser Firmware Version' in the forum. 5 years ago

Hi Phil

Thanks for your kind offer, I’m hoping that the temp sensor and capacitor arrive this week so I was waiting till I get them installed to see how it responds, before I raised any more questions. Let me get that sorted first, so you don’t waste any time over something that may get cured by updating the hardware.



Glen replied to the topic 'Experiences Using SM Beta on RPi 4, 4GB' in the forum. 5 years ago

It was a USB Wireless Adapter MediaTek Ralink RT5370N of Amazon

It was cheap so gave it a try originally to try to get more range in the garden, I’ll keep using but until things are more stable, then I’ll take the advice get rid of it if it slows the Rpi and then extend my WiFi further.


Glen replied to the topic 'Experiences Using SM Beta on RPi 4, 4GB' in the forum. 5 years ago

I’ve come into the Rpi world very recently so very inexperienced in all of this, I’ve had similar experiences of flaky hotspot and WiFi. My solution was to stick a usb WiFi antenna in and disable the hotspot. No lost connections, always available. My setup is fixed so no need of hotspot, so for me this works. What I have found that don’t understand is what I’d describe as stalls or slow downs, at first I thought this was WiFi speeds but now I don’t think it is.

I’ve seen numerous screen shots with system monitor info, cpu mem etc on the right, so far not figured whether that’s a util or a system feature, what do people use to display this sort of info, as I’d like to see what’s going off when things grind to a halt.


Glen replied to the topic 'Lakeside Focuser Firmware Version' in the forum. 5 years ago


updated kstars and indi from nightly build sucessfully.

so im now running
Build: 2019-10-22T12:10:04Z
KStars version 3.3.7 on Rpi4 4gb using Stellarmate OS v1.4.4

On connectiing to the focuser same issue as previous with temperature NA from the device. from digging around and looking at when i originally purchased the focuser, at that time the steppers didnt alway come with a temperature sensor which im presuming now that it is this that is causing the issue, ive had it apart and sure enough no temp sensor, hence the NA return.

im going to try soldering up a sensor and well see what that does. Blow up probably but i have a spare controller now.
I have attached another log for what its worth but looks very similar to previous


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File Size: 4 KB


Glen replied to the topic 'Lakeside Focuser Firmware Version' in the forum. 5 years ago

tried to update this morning atnd it turned into a bit of journey into the unknown for me,

Initially i couldnt run the add repository statement as this gave the message "add-apt-repository command not found", bit of digging and i ran "sudo apt-get install software-properties-common" which seemed to resolve this, maybe the wrong thing but hey.

On running the statement all was good then but it failed on the update due to a missing dependency as below :

stellarmate@stellarmate:~$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mutlaqja/indinightly
This PPA is for nightly UNSTABLE Ekos & INDI drivers builds. This is NOT intended for production use, it is only available for testing.
More info:
Press [ENTER] to continue or Ctrl-c to cancel adding it.
Fetched 137 kB in 4s (31.8 kB/s)
Reading package lists... Done

stellarmate@stellarmate:~$ sudo apt-get update
Fetched 137 kB in 4s (31.8 kB/s)
Reading package lists... Done
stellarmate@stellarmate:~$ sudo apt-get install indi-full kstars-bleeding gsc
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies.
indi-full : Depends: indi-aok but it is not installable
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

This is all very new to and ive tried to find some guidance on this hoping to be able to address this myself but having tried to install indi-aok i got the message below:

Package indi-aok is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source

Any sugestions on where to look for help on this or what i need to do, also after this kstars doesnt seem to be showing in plasma as an application and wont run from terminal, which im presuming is related to this but dont know



Glen replied to the topic 'Lakeside Focuser Firmware Version' in the forum. 5 years ago


I will give it a go in the morning and let you know how I get on.

Thanks again



Glen replied to the topic 'Lakeside Focuser Firmware Version' in the forum. 5 years ago


Not sure if this is usefull or not but running KStars from OSX i have the same error message, (2019-10-21T14:18:40: [ERROR] DecodeBuffer: Unknown response : (TN/A#)) but goto absolute position, preset in INDI CP or Ekos works and doesnt cause an Error.



Glen replied to the topic 'Lakeside Focuser Firmware Version' in the forum. 5 years ago


update on focuser, i have now purchased a new controller which is running firmware version 1.30 so up to date as far as i know.

im still having problems, albeit slightly different ones to before, as soon as the foucser connects the error below constantly polls

2019-10-21T14:18:40: [ERROR] DecodeBuffer: Unknown response : (TN/A#)

any value changes on backlash, reverse no longer cause and error or crash wihtin the INDI control panel, which before they were. Pretty much any value can now be changed with no issue. however goto a preset position in INDI or speciyfying an absolute position in EKOS causes a crash.

I have attached log files for both a move from within EKOS and using preset 1 in the INDI control panel.

Thanks Glen

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File Size: 11 KB


Glen replied to the topic 'Lakeside Focuser Firmware Version' in the forum. 5 years ago

Hi i have attached some logs which capture a variety of error following the below actions:
17.43.37 = within EKOS move to an absolute position
17.45.59 = trying to enable backlash and reverse which rest back to diabled the move to a preset postion of 2000
17.56.36= 100 step moves, mostly succesfull but with some errors.

my applogies if ive posted the logs incorrectly, maybe my bad understanding of the video you reffered me to.

I have had some response regarding getting the firmware flashed to the latest supported version, which i intend to to do. Id say dont your valuable time on this as the firmware update may fix these issues and i will check and update this once i have had that done and re tested it.



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File Size: 21 KB


Glen created a new topic ' Lakeside Focuser Firmware Version' in the forum. 5 years ago


ive started to to get to grips with KStars and EKOS using stellarmate OS and the only issue im having at present is with my Lakeside Focuser, this is my return to astrophotoraphy after a 7 year break and the lake side is hence about 6 years old. The firmware is version 1.03 and quite dated.

I can connect fine but, any changes to the backlash, or reverse settings give a buffer read error and then usually cause a crash. The focusser will move from within EKOS but any attempt to use presets again causes a crash.

I tried to enable debug but unfortunately this enables then imediately disables, so no joy there. Im assuming that its the firmware that is the issue as the INDI drivers were probbably for later revision, but it could of course be an issue with the controller itself, from other threads im finding that people are using the lakeside with INDI and id like to if anyone had any success with a similar level of firmware ?.



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    Just got back into Imaging after about 8 years off, wow the world has changed