David created a new topic ' LX200 GPS time error with stars' in the forum. 5 years ago


I have last version of Kstars 3.3.9 and las version of Autostars.

Some months ago, with previous versions, i used to set INDI options so that the mount updates both geographic coordinates and time to INDI. The other way around, that is, INDI updates coordinates eneded up in absolute mess.
It worked fine.

With newest version, when i start Kstars and the telescope independently, both show the right time. For me, UTC with zero offset and no DST.
When i click connect, suddenly Kstars jumps back one hour! I do not have any idea why. Of course, pointing errors appear.

The telescope is fixed permanently in the same position.

Any ideas?


David Cejudo.
Observatorio El Gallinero.
El Berrueco, Madrid.