David created a new topic ' LX200 GPS time error with stars' in the forum. 5 years ago


I have last version of Kstars 3.3.9 and las version of Autostars.

Some months ago, with previous versions, i used to set INDI options so that the mount updates both geographic coordinates and time to INDI. The other way around, that is, INDI updates coordinates eneded up in absolute mess.
It worked fine.

With newest version, when i start Kstars and the telescope independently, both show the right time. For me, UTC with zero offset and no DST.
When i click connect, suddenly Kstars jumps back one hour! I do not have any idea why. Of course, pointing errors appear.

The telescope is fixed permanently in the same position.

Any ideas?


David Cejudo.
Observatorio El Gallinero.
El Berrueco, Madrid.


David replied to the topic 'Script to park the telescope' in the forum. 5 years ago


Thanks for your answer. I tried the script adapted to my set up but could not make it work.
I wrote a pretty simple script to check if it works, it seems to work when run the module with IDLE, i get this:

{"timestamp_utc": 2019-12-31T01:10:46 ,"roof_status": {"open_ok": 1}}

But when i try with INDI the log at the INDI control panel shows:
"[ERROR] Got no output from script..."
"[WARNING]Soft error occurred during UNSAFE conditions , IGNORE

Any help would be appreciated.

This is my simple script:

import json
import subprocess
from datetime import datetime
encoding = 'utf-8'


"timestamp_utc": now,
"roof_status": {
"open_ok": 1


David replied to the topic 'Script to park the telescope' in the forum. 5 years ago

So if i understand it correctly, the Weather Safety Proxy reads, through a script, a note like this:

"timestamp_utc": "2019-03-24T23:26:02",
"roof_status": {
"open_ok": 0,

Would you mind to share that script?

And if its is "1", the session goes on and if it is "0", triggers an alert, correct?
But i did not find an option to park the telescope in the weather tab in Eckos. There are options for roof closure only.



David created a new topic ' Script to park the telescope' in the forum. 5 years ago


I would like to have a simple script that reads a note and if it says "1", for example, it parks the telescope. If it says "0", waits some time and reads it again.
It would do it while a normal session with INDI and Kstars is going on. The note would be received from another computer in the same network.
I am almost new to scripts in Linux so any help would be appreciated.

The computer is a Raspberry Pi 3b+ and the telescope is a Meade LX200 GPs.


David Cejudo
Observatorio El gallinero
El Berrueco, Madrid, Spain


David replied to the topic 'LX200 GPS custom tracking' in the forum. 5 years ago

I wish i could but editing the code is far from my limited capabilities.



David created a new topic ' Focus position at atart up' in the forum. 5 years ago


My setup is Stellarmate with a Raspberry pi 3b+.
I work with an Optec TCF LS focuser and i choose Focus Lynx in Ekos.
It works pretty well but i have a request.
It is an absolute focuser and has a temperature sensor so in the options i wrote down the coeficient for temperature change, 55 steps per degree in my case.
What i would like is that at connection, the focuser would be automatically sent to a position based in the current temperature and the last succesful autofocus.
I know that this position will not be very accurate, but would be a good start position for the first autofocus of the following night´s sesión.


David Cejudo.
Observatorio El gallinero
El Berrueco, Madrid.


I also have that problema, using Stellarmate on a Raspberry pi 3b+.

While guiding and imaging, suddenly Kstars disappears but PHD2 continues guiding and Indi seems to remain connected.
After i restart Kstars and connect, a pop up window tells me that there is already an instance of Indi running. I chose to stop it and then Kstars can start workng again.



David replied to the topic 'LX200 GPS custom tracking' in the forum. 5 years ago


Tracking frequency is limited to choose between 56 or so and 60.1. I do not know in what units are those numbers.
Initially is set to 60, so i understand that is sidereal tracking. It can be slowed up to 56 or so, but can only be accelerated up to 60.1
I tweaked with those numbers and seems to work, but 60.1 is too Little for me.
There is a work around, though. I can set higher speeds with the Autostar handbox. Setting a custom tracking of 15% in the handbox, then connecting Indi, this shows 60.7 and indeed the mount tracks faster.
But manually, a maximum of 60.1 is all that can be inserted.

David Cejudo.
Observatorio El gallinero.
El Berrueco, Madrid.


David created a new topic ' LX200 GPS custom tracking' in the forum. 5 years ago


I am using INDI with a LX200GPS. When i choose the driver, i select LX200 GPS.
I INDI here is an option to choose the tracking between sidereal, lunar or custom.
I want to choose custom as my mount is tracking a bit slowly, but once chosen i have no idea on where do i write down the desired tracking rate.
I can do it in the Autostar hand pad, but of course i do not want to have the Autostar hand pad connected as i will be using the telescope remotely.

Any help on this one?

Also, i have another question. I did not find any way to do a PEC training with Kstars or PH2. As in the previous issue, i can do PEC training through the Autostar hand pad.
Is there another way to do it apart from the Autostar hand pad?


David Cejudo.
Observatorio El Gallinero.
El Berrueco, Spain.


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    Remote roll off observatory in Madrid.