1.5 has seemed to solve all my problems. ASTAP working perfectly, can center my target in seconds, guiding works and finally I can capture a sequence of images without anything crashing. WiFi also starts up in seconds.


1.5 is working perfectly for me. WIth ASTAP I can solve and center my target in seconds and finally got a sequence of images after doing a successful solve.


Hi, there has been some discussion on this topic in another post "1.4.6 release - impressions, problems, etc. Please post." Most of us are having a similar problem on a RPI4 and 1.4.6 For me, everything works fine until I do a " capture and slew". It will plate slove, center the target, guide etc and can even do single images but once I start an image sequence, it will crash. Have not tried "Load and SLew" though but looks like the same problem.


mactech wrote: I The problems seem to start when I attempt to plate solve and then guide.

I gave up on 1.4.6 on my PI4 for exactly the same issue. Everything works until I plate solve and then try to image. crashes on the 2nd image. I have opened a ticket so hopefully it is fixed in the next release. Having a lot of success with ASTAP so didn't want to go back too 1.4.4, reimaged with Astroberry V2 and its been working perfectly the last week over 4 imaging sessions.


knro wrote:

Wifi Hotspot comes up automatically but it takes 1Min 57Sec for the hotspot to show up from power on. Must have rebooted over 50 times and every time it is exactly the same time to the second. Bootup time only is 30 secs

That's too long. Can you run this command?

systemd-analyze blame

What's the output?

Output attached.

File Attachment:

File Name: blame.txt
File Size: 3 KB

Tested in the field last night and kstars crashes after I do an alignment with ASTAP and then start an image sequence. Crashes after taking 1 to 2 images. WIll open a trouble ticket as it seems like no one else is having the same problem. Unfortunately had to revert to using my Astroberry image as everything is working on that system on a Pi4


Hi, having issues with 1.4.5 so just installed 1.4.6. Indoor test only so not sure if I will have the same problem. I goto a target and use ASTAP to plate solve and align, (very impressed with ASTAP, solves in seconds) I then start a sequence , kstars will crash. It is very consistent. If ASTAP fails in its plate solve for any reason and I start the sequence, it will run through, albeit my target is not centered!!! Hope to test this again when the clouds go away, If I don't use ASTAP to center my target, the sequence will run through without crashing.

Equipment is: ioptron ieq45 pro, sky safari, qhy 168C, pole master and qhy5L-IIc

For 1.4.6

  • Wifi Hotspot comes up automatically but it takes 1Min 57Sec for the hotspot to show up from power on. Must have rebooted over 50 times and every time it is exactly the same time to the second. Bootup time only is 30 secs
  • If I leave it on Auto, the Wifi always uses the 2.4Ghz band so I manually set to to the 5Ghz band to get the faster speed.
  • I initially had the same issues with the WiFi dropping out but that disappeared after I did a reset of the network configuration with the manual configuration to lock it on the 5GHz band.
  • VNC over 4K is very laggy but at 1920x1080 is it very fast.

Now for my issues (haven't done an update, just downloaded the image)
  • There seems to an issue with my mount and sky safari - If I just plug in my 3 cameras, all the cameras work.
  • If I then add my mount, I need to plug everything in a certain order, otherwise the Polemaster will crash kstars when taking a drak frame or the 5L occasionally does not show up in the indi panel, or all three cameras are unable to take an image and no messages in the indi panel. It is like ekos has lost communications with the cameras. The order is the three cameras first and then my mount before starting the indi server. Mount has to be on the first USB port but the last device to be plugged in
  • If I then add in Sky Safari as an aux device, I see it connecting to the server but when I press connect in Sky Safari on my ipad, I see a message in the indi panel saying the client cannot connect so my ipad is communicating with the Pi but cannot connect to kstars. This occurs in both the Pi3 and Pi4. Works on 1.4.4
  • When I add in Sky Safari and take a dark frame with the Polemaster, kstars crashes, doesn't occur when it is a light frame!!!! Not too much of an issue as I probably would never take a dark frame with my polemaster.


HI, just reloaded my system with the latest indi drivers and both my QHY5LII-C, and PoleMaster are functioning correctly.


I just updated both my StellarMateOS_1.4.4 Pi3 and Pi4 systems. Can confirm that the QHY5LII-C, QHY5PII-C, QHY PoleMaster, and QHY168C are all working perfectly. Thanks


Excellent, QHY5L, QHY PoleMaster, and QHY 168C all working now with the new 85-qhyccd.rules file. Thanks


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    22. 08. 1963
  • About me
    beginning astronomer