Alex replied to the topic 'Can't connect NEQ6 Pro via ST4 cable' in the forum. 5 years ago

Hi all - thanks for your responses. Have now received my EQ6 USB cable and it works a treat ie resolved all my issues raised earlier. Have to wait for a clear night next to get some practical hands on.

If you do have some further suggestions ie what I have to do next, suggestions etc, I'm only to interested in hearing them.



Alex replied to the topic 'Can't connect NEQ6 Pro via ST4 cable' in the forum. 5 years ago

Thanks for your help - it gets me one step closer, but now my Align window is all greyed out see jpg image 7.


Alex created a new topic ' Can't connect NEQ6 Pro via ST4 cable' in the forum. 5 years ago

Hi all - this is my first foray into this forum, and my first attempt at controlling my rig using a dedicated computer, so please excuse any ignorance on my part. I have trawled the internet and this forum, and can't find an answer to my current problem with my ST4 cable.

I have the following:
- NEQ6 pro mount with hand controller
- ZWO ASI120MC guide camera on a 50mm Orion guide scope
- ZWO ASI183MC main camera (brand new and only just tested)
- ASUS Tinker Board (original) running Ubunutu 18.10, Kstars, Ekos, Indi & (all installed this week)
- I have kept everything as close to install as possible - no tweaking

On a Windows 10 laptop I can do the following:
- Run both cameras
- Polar align with Sharpcap using the ASI120MC
- Autoguide with PHD2 using the ASI120MC and ST4 cable
- Capture images from the ASI183MC using APT

On the ASUS Tinker Board:
- both cameras configure up OK and seem to work OK
- I can't get the mount to work via the ST4 cable from the ASI120MC
- at present I have attached only the ASI120MC via USB, ST4 cable and hand controller
- I get the following error on Indi start:

2019-09-16T09:54:07: [ERROR] Failed to connect to port (/dev/ttyUSB0). Error: Port failure Error: No such file or directory. Check if device is connected to this port.

Any help would be most appreciated.



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    08. 07. 1962
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