James Amendolagine created a new topic ' Onstep / Pegasus' in the forum. 10 months ago

I've been updating the pegasus nyx 101 driver to add missing features and came to the conclusion that the lx200_Onstep diver is almost complete, but could use a couple of pegasus specific changes. Since there are only a couple of changes I'm thinking that I can just add them to the lx200_Onstep driver, and only enable those changes if the pegasus nyx mount is connected. I'll make the changes and continue the discussion in github, but thought that I'd start here. What do you think?



James Amendolagine replied to the topic 'Pegasus nyx testing' in the forum. 10 months ago

I am now looking at switching the mount commands to use the mount specific "flip" command. I'm not sure if this makes sense though as I'm not sure if there is any difference between doing a goto, and doing a flip with the NYX. On other mounts there are differences, and in some cases the "flip" command specific to the mount is more reliable than using a goto command with western/eastern limits set. Does anyone here know if there is a difference on the NYX? Has anyone been using meridian flips with the NYX?



James Amendolagine replied to the topic 'Pegasus nyx testing' in the forum. 10 months ago

I have not yet found how to get the firmware version. It looks like the firmware manager does this in the unity app, and it seems a bit involved, so for now I will just leave this as an issue if you are using older firmware.


James Amendolagine replied to the topic 'Pegasus nyx testing' in the forum. 10 months ago

I confirmed that the motor failure after reboot is an issue with older firmware.

I switched to 0.26 firmware using unity on windows, and was able to reproduce the issue. Doing a reboot from windows using 0.26 caused the motors to stop working after the reboot completed. This is a firmware issue that exhibits under unity/windows and indi. I will disable the feature under indi if using older firmware.



James Amendolagine replied to the topic 'Pegasus nyx testing' in the forum. 11 months ago

Great. I'll try and reproduce the issue on older firmware. If it only happens there, then I will disable the feature for older firmware.


James Amendolagine replied to the topic 'Pegasus nyx testing' in the forum. 11 months ago

Yes it should. That's another fix I'll put on the list.


James Amendolagine replied to the topic 'Pegasus nyx testing' in the forum. 11 months ago

Thanks Klaus, I'll try with different firmware versions. It would be helpful to understand if this ever happens when rebooting from the windows unity app. If this issue is restricted to older firmware, then I can disable it selectively.


James Amendolagine replied to the topic 'Pegasus nyx testing' in the forum. 11 months ago

Also: did you disconnect them connect the indi driver?


James Amendolagine replied to the topic 'Pegasus nyx testing' in the forum. 11 months ago

Thank you for testing. Sorry for the issues you had rebooting, and I'm glad to hear that you were able to recover. I'm not able to reproduce the issue with my nyx. Is there any more info you can share? Your mount version, firmware version, tha state of the mount when it was rebooting? Was it tracking?


Hi Juanjo,

This should give the version on the command line:
indiserver --help


James Amendolagine created a new topic ' Pegasus nyx testing' in the forum. 11 months ago

I've found the indi driver to be missing several features, so I added some missing features to the Indi drivers. If anyone is willing to test I'd be grateful. You'd have to be using linux/indi/ekos, and be comfortable installing bleeding edge versions to test with.

I usually just compile the software stack, but there are nightly builds available here:
launchpad.net/~mutlaqja/+archiv ... 5&start=75


In my opinion the gemini driver should be split into two drivers. One for the Gemini I, and one for the Gemini II. The one for the Gemini I should be restored to an earlier version if we can verify that there is a regression. Ideally this should be done by someone who has access to a Gemini I system so that it can be thoroughly unit tested. Unfortunately I do not have a Gemini I system to test it on. I will see if I can find someone local that does though. In the meantime it would be very helpful if we can verify the regression, and identify the version where the regression occurred. I'm not sure if this is something you can help with Juanjo, but if you could that would be great. If you do decide to help I'll have to know what OS you are running indi on.



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