again same for me (Ubuntu 20.04 LTS) 
QHY_CCD and Altair no connection but a ZWO 178mm is up and running

CS Heiner


same for me (Ubuntu 20.04. LTS)


At the bottom left position Kstars display the geographic location (e.g. your hometown or "mount location" when location is synced from the mount).
My Ioptron CEM-25P mount has an internal GPS and like the idea of syncing the GPS coordinates from my mount to KStars/Ekos. After Syncing from the Mount KStars displays "Mount Location" but i don´t see the real gps coordinates. At some occasions the synced gps coordinates from my mount where broken and my mount crashed when slewing to my first target.
So adding the actual geographic cordinates after the name would bring a real benefit for a plausibility check.



thumbs up!  The bug is gone in 3.5.3 beta. I have tested it with all my cams and got no issues at all.
The only thing that annoys me from time to time is the exceptional slow download speed my of usb3 qhy-183m camera. The altair 183c is also very slow. Funny, since both cams advertise with their ram buffer for speeding up downloads.


Until recently (since version 3.5.2) the Fitsviewer crashes Ekos/Kstars to the desktop (either in Stellarmate or in Ubuntu 20.04) when taking images with my Altair Hypercam 183c. The first image taken is displayed correctly, but the following images are displayed incorrectly (but correctly saved to disk). After some images (> 5) Kstars/Ekos crashes to the desktop!

- When i disable the Fitsviewer, all Hypercam 183c imaging jobs run without any issues.
- When i use another cam (e.g. ZWO ASI 178mm) everything runs fluently (with Fitsviewer!)
- Kstars/Ekos 3.5.0 -> no issues with Hypercam/Fitsviewer


as far as i can see this looks promising. I must admit, the scheduler was out of my focus, since i never used it before.



Hi all,

it would be nice to have an automatic platesolve option after xx exposures in the capture module. This would be extremely helpful when doing short exposure time astrophotography without guiding and less accurate polar alignment with mediocre or bad goto mounts. Even though it is possible to dither (extremely helpful option!) without guiding an automatic recentering of the desired target after an amount of exposures would prevent the object from drifting out of the frame (when the mount is not properly polar aligned). The Recenter Target option would also helpful when doing live stacking



So, how did you dealt with it. The big problem for me is not taking bias and flat frames from the camera itself. The problem is, that light/darkframe dng files from EKOS and the flat/bias dngs from pentax are incompatible in DSS or sequator.


The 2 seconds for my pentax dslr are added to any exposure time in EKOS. Of course it is possible to capture shorter exposure times manually (DSLR not connected to INDI/Ekos). From EKOS it´s impossible.
The latest drivers are installed on the Stellarmate gadget.
I don´t have another camera (guide cam etc.), so i cannot say if this problem is only related to my pentax dslr.




i am facing a problem with my Pentax K-5 connected to the stellarmate gadget. Every exposure in EKOS (either in the capture, alignment, or focus module) results in a shot with 2s+selected exposure time. So if i want to make an 1s exposure the result is an 2s+1s = 3s exposure. This is quite annoying and makes it impossible to create bias or flat frames and to be honest anything else.
Please see the attached logfile from an 1s and 0.2s exposure

File Attachment:

File Name: log_17-39-30_2019-03-17.txt
File Size: 11 KB


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    04. 03. 1970
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    New to astrophotography