I was able to enable debug logging and locate the logs. A few things are still unclear, and looking at some errors in the log it appears like a BAD_PARAM condition is met during the run through the SBIG drivers. The code related to the error seemed to be issued in a call to SBIGUnivDrvCommand() either for CC_READ_SUBTRACT_LINE or CC_READOUT_LINE. Error message was ".. Timeout ..."
The strange part of looking at the logs showed a long time spent in reading the data, right after the polling which was pretty much what's expected given my settings for the test (1s and 1.5s exposure for darks) and 100ms for polling. Later on I changed the polling interval. The log info is a bit confusing, saying that exposure time was 100 and 150 respectively (as if the unit was ... 10ms ...)

I'll try to do a more thorough test and clean the logs to not mix up more events than I need.

Thank you. Please let me know if you find anything to help me decide where to go next with my setup.


I have just installed INDI, KStars and PhD2 on a newly configured Raspberry PI 3b running Ubuntu Mate 16.04.
Used 3 cameras (SBIG STF-8300C, SBIG STi mono and Meade DSI II Color) to grab images (mostly Bias and Dark frames) via KStars and PhD2.
Out of the 3 cameras, only the STi is unable to complete a sequence, always terminating with a connection time-out. The STF-8300 and Meade-DSI were able to complete even large series of Dark frames, as many times as I tested with. The STi fails within less than 10 frames, sometimes a few more. This is irrespective of which USB port these cameras are connected with, or being alone of with the others connected as well.
I am using the latest packages for INDI libs, drivers, KStars and PhD2.

Is there a way to troubleshoot this? I was unable to find log files, even after enabling debug in the INDI camera settings, how do I configure logging/debug mode to better understand what is going on?
I am the point where would like to make decision - either stay with one my 3 Windows laptops already setup and used successfully with my gear, adopt the PI box with the old DSI as guider, or buy a new guider camera (ASI or QHY) - assuming these work with my INDI setup. In fact, I would have liked the option of having the PI running the show, but keep buying cameras in the hope that one works is not one of my preferred options.

Please share your knowledge on how to troubleshoot or make my setup work. Your advice on equipment that is known to work with INDI on Raspberry PI3 / UbuntuMate is welcome.

Thank you,


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    13. 08. 1965
  • About me
    Software Engineer with an interest in Astrophotography.