Steve replied to the topic 'Install "Obsolete" Driver' in the forum. 5 months ago

An update on my problem in case others encounter it. I started indiserver with a crontab @reboot from root. Seems that it worked with the GTOCP2 driver in PHD2, IIRC (can't reproduce because GTOCP2 driver is gone). Additionally the QHY driver worked in PHD2 with indiserver started as root. While debugging I started indiserver with the Astro-Physics v2 driver from the terminal using my user account and lo and behold PHD2 was able to connect to my mount. I'm now starting indiserver with my user account crontab @reboot and I can connect.



Steve replied to the topic 'AP GTOCP2 now obsolete?' in the forum. 5 months ago

Hi David,

I know this is an old post but I'm having the same problem. If you're still out there, would you mind letting me know how you were able to install the GTOCP2 driver?




Steve replied to the topic 'Install "Obsolete" Driver' in the forum. 5 months ago

Anybody have thoughts on how to install an obsolete driver or get the lx200ap_v2 driver working with PHD2?



Steve replied to the topic 'Install "Obsolete" Driver' in the forum. 5 months ago

I seem to be able to connect with K-stars/Eko. When I try to connect using INDI from PHD2, I get a I get a “Server address is missing or invalid error”.



Steve created a new topic ' Install "Obsolete" Driver' in the forum. 5 months ago

I'd like to install an "obsolete" driver. I've had problems connecting to my Astro-Physics GTO CP4 Mach1 with the V2 Astro-Physics mount driver from PHD with INDI but the old GTOCP2 driver, if I recall correctly, used to work for me. Unfortunately that driver is no longer installed when installing INDI. How do I install the old driver?



I'm able to connect my QHY5LII-M to PHD2 using the INDI driver. I can initiate looping images but after the first image completes, PHD2 crashes. There's nothing in the logs.

Raspberry Pi 4 4GB
64-bit Bookworm
INDI Library: 2.0.6
Code v2.0.6. Protocol 1.7

Anybody else had this problem and solved it?




Steve replied to the topic 'Add one driver only to my INDI install' in the forum. 3 years ago

Are you referring to this?sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mutlaqja/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libindi1I don’t see anything specific to the Sky Safari driver.


Steve created a new topic ' Add one driver only to my INDI install' in the forum. 3 years ago

I’d like to add the Sky Safari INDI middleware “driver” to my INDI install.  How do I install a single driver?  Installing on Raspberry Pi 4 with Raspbian Buster.


Hi Jasem,

I'm not sure how to try the next nightly build. My INDI install comes from Radek's astroberry Raspberry Pi repository. I don't want to break anything.

By the way, I've worked around this issue by initializing the driver using PyIndi. Probably a more robust method than depending upon the save anyway.




I'm using the Astro-Physics GTO CP2 INDI driver to interface PHD2 to my Mach1 while I use TheSkyX for mount (and its native Astro-Physics driver) and imaging camera control. TheSkyX is connected to one of the mounts serial ports and PHD2 to the other. I'm writing a Python script that sequences the imaging and allows for dithering with PHD2 (TheSkyX doesn't allow for dithering with PHD2). All of this on a Raspberry Pi 4 with Raspbian Buster.

Generally it's all working although I'm having intermittent issues with the INDI mount driver erroneously initializing the mount location latitude and longitude to 0 and 0. I'm also not sure how the driver configuration is loaded. I've set up and saved a configuration but it seems I always have to manually load my saved configuration after the driver connects to the mount. How do I automatically load my saved configuration?




Steve replied to the topic 'Re:SkyX Connection Problem' in the forum. 4 years ago

Thanks for the reply, Eric. I don't know if TheSkyX can handle multiple clients but one step at a time :) It's something I may be able to work around.

Anyway, the solution to the problem is here:

Unfortunately my scripts require that the "TCP Responses Close Socket" option is selected so I'm at a bit of an impasse. No big deal though. There are other options.



Steve created a new topic ' SkyX Connection Problem' in the forum. 4 years ago


Due to some annoying and apparently unfixable SBIG driver issues (can't connect my ST-i and my ST-8300M to theSkyX simultaneously), I'm trying to use indiserver to connect PHD2 to TheSkyX so that I can use my ST-i for guiding with dithering and theSkyX to drive my scope; I've written a python script that controls both theSkyX and PHD2 via their servers. I was able to connect PHD2 to theSkyX and slew the scope with PHD2. Now I can't seem to connect to the Sky with the Paramount indi driver. If I try to connect when theSkyX is not connected to the telescope, I can see that theSkyX successfully connects to the telescope but PHD2 doesn't say that it's connected to theSkyX and indi says there was a handshake failure. By the way, TCP server is enabled in theSkyX and I know it's communicating as I'm using it with my Python script. I'm even using the same "sky6RASCOMTele.IsConnected" command in my script successfully. Note that my script was not running at the same time that I was attempting this.

I'm using an RPi4 4GB with Raspbian Buster. I'm using Radek Kaczorek's indiserver repository.

Here's the interesting part of the log:

2020-05-02T21:15:09: Driver indi_paramount_telescope: read message Paramount   '[INFO] Connecting to localhost@3040 ...'
2020-05-02T21:15:09: Client 0: queuing <message device='Paramount' name=''>
2020-05-02T21:15:09: Client 5: queuing <message device='Paramount' name=''>
2020-05-02T21:15:09: Driver indi_paramount_telescope: read message Paramount   '[DEBUG] Connection successful, attempting handshake...'
2020-05-02T21:15:09: Client 0: queuing <message device='Paramount' name=''>
2020-05-02T21:15:09: Client 5: queuing <message device='Paramount' name=''>
2020-05-02T21:15:09: Client 0: sending msg copy 2 nq 2:
<message device="Paramount" timestamp="2020-05-02T21:15:09" message="[INFO] Connecting to localhost@3040 ..."/>

2020-05-02T21:15:09: Client 5: sending msg copy 1 nq 2:
<message device="Paramount" timestamp="2020-05-02T21:15:09" message="[INFO] Connecting to localhost@3040 ..."/>

2020-05-02T21:15:09: Driver indi_paramount_telescope: read message Paramount   '[DEBUG] CMD: /* Java Script */var Out;sky6RASCOMTele.ConnectAndDoNotUnpark();Out = sky6RASCOMTele.IsConnected;'
2020-05-02T21:15:09: Client 0: queuing <message device='Paramount' name=''>
2020-05-02T21:15:09: Client 5: queuing <message device='Paramount' name=''>
2020-05-02T21:15:09: Client 0: sending msg copy 2 nq 2:
<message device="Paramount" timestamp="2020-05-02T21:15:09" message="[DEBUG] Connection successful, attempting handshake..."/>

2020-05-02T21:15:09: Client 5: sending msg copy 1 nq 2:
<message device="Paramount" timestamp="2020-05-02T21:15:09" message="[DEBUG] Connection successful, attempting handshake..."/>

2020-05-02T21:15:09: Client 0: sending msg copy 2 nq 1:
<message device="Paramount" timestamp="2020-05-02T21:15:09" message="[DEBUG] CMD: /* Java Script */var Out;sky6RASCOMTele.ConnectAndDoNotUnpark();Out = sky6RASCOMTele.IsConnected;"/>

2020-05-02T21:15:09: Client 5: sending msg copy 1 nq 1:
<message device="Paramount" timestamp="2020-05-02T21:15:09" message="[DEBUG] CMD: /* Java Script */var Out;sky6RASCOMTele.ConnectAndDoNotUnpark();Out = sky6RASCOMTele.IsConnected;"/>

2020-05-02T21:15:09: Driver indi_paramount_telescope: read message Paramount   '[ERROR] Error reading from TheSky6 TCP server.'
2020-05-02T21:15:09: Client 0: queuing <message device='Paramount' name=''>
2020-05-02T21:15:09: Client 5: queuing <message device='Paramount' name=''>
2020-05-02T21:15:09: Driver indi_paramount_telescope: read message Paramount   '[DEBUG] Handshake failed.'
2020-05-02T21:15:09: Client 0: queuing <message device='Paramount' name=''>
2020-05-02T21:15:09: Client 5: queuing <message device='Paramount' name=''>
2020-05-02T21:15:09: Client 0: sending msg copy 2 nq 2:
<message device="Paramount" timestamp="2020-05-02T21:15:09" message="[ERROR] Error reading from TheSky6 TCP server."/>

2020-05-02T21:15:09: Client 5: sending msg copy 1 nq 2:
<message device="Paramount" timestamp="2020-05-02T21:15:09" message="[ERROR] Error reading from TheSky6 TCP server."/>

2020-05-02T21:15:09: Driver indi_paramount_telescope: read setSwitchVector Paramount CONNECTION Alert
2020-05-02T21:15:09: Client 0: queuing <setSwitchVector device='Paramount' name='CONNECTION'>
2020-05-02T21:15:09: Client 5: queuing <setSwitchVector device='Paramount' name='CONNECTION'>
2020-05-02T21:15:09: Client 0: sending msg copy 2 nq 2:
<message device="Paramount" timestamp="2020-05-02T21:15:09" message="[DEBUG] Handshake failed."/>

2020-05-02T21:15:09: Client 5: sending msg copy 1 nq 2:
<message device="Paramount" timestamp="2020-05-02T21:15:09" message="[DEBUG] Handshake failed."/>

2020-05-02T21:15:09: Client 0: sending msg copy 2 nq 1:
<setSwitchVector device="Paramount" name="CONNECTION" state="Alert" timeout="60" timestamp="2020-05-02T21:15:09">
    <oneSwitch name="CONNECT">
    <oneSwitch name="DISCONNECT">

2020-05-02T21:15:09: Client 5: sending msg copy 1 nq 1:
<setSwitchVector device="Paramount" name="CONNECTION" state="Alert" timeout="60" timestamp="2020-05-02T21:15:09">
    <oneSwitch name="CONNECT">
    <oneSwitch name="DISCONNECT">

Any thoughts greatly appreciated.





I attempted to follow the instructions here to install INDI server on a Raspberry Pi 4 with Buster but ran into problems. First when executing

wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -

The following was displayed in the terminal:
[sudo] password for steve: --2020-04-18 11:48:29--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 4365 (4.3K)
Saving to: ‘STDOUT’

-                   100%[===================>]   4.26K  --.-KB/s    in 0s      

2020-04-18 11:48:29 (155 MB/s) - written to stdout [4365/4365]

Control did not return to the command prompt. There didn't seem to be an error but the sudo thing seems odd. I wasn't prompted for a my password.

Anyway, I hit ctrl-C and ran the next command. No error messages.

Then I executed
sudo apt update

And I received the following error (among other messages):
The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available

I assume step 1 didn't work so I made sure I'd entered sudo password before running the wget command and then everything worked fine. It seems that these instructions won't work for users that have sudo password enabled. This likely should be clarified in the instructions.




Thanks Rolf. This is great to know. This behaviour has always annoyed me. This does raise the question, however, why isn't separate windows the default behaviour? What is the advantage of the current default behaviour?


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