Marc replied to the topic 'Ekos Planetary Imaging' in the forum. 1 year ago

One thing I currently miss in Ekos which could be a good starting point for a planetary tab IMHO, is a simple live view with gain, and offset (sliders), zoom (used with a Bahtinov mask), a crosshair (used to align a guider and the main scope) and a large window to help roughly collimate a Shmidt-Cassegrain when you have your hands on the Bob's Knobs, far from the laptop.

In terms of ergonomy, that would be a game changer :)

- Marc

- Marc


Marc replied to the topic 'Ekos Planetary Imaging' in the forum. 1 year ago

Some thoughts ...

In planetary imaging, like in sports photography, speed is the key.
A typical planetary camera like an ASI290mm at full frame (1936x1096) delivers 130fps.
That means roughly 2x130x8 = 2Gb/s

Do you think a Raspberry Pi will be able to grab & write a SD card at such a speed without losing frames ?
Of course, you can use ROIs for planets, but for the moon, you'll need full frame.

- Marc


Marc replied to the topic 'Ekos Planetary Imaging' in the forum. 1 year ago

One thing to keep in mind :

in DS photography, all the softs used to make your images, run natively under Linux. (Kstars/Ekos/INDI, Siril, Gimp ...)
In Planetary imaging, the best softs used, run natively (and only) under Windows (AS!3, Registax, Astrosurface ... )

Wine isn't really an option as it cripples literally the performances of the programs. (slower, incomplete functions, impossibility to use the output of a program as an input to another... )

So a planetary tab in Ekos will have to work at its best under WINDOWS ...


Marc replied to the topic 'Connecting ekos to multiple INDI servers' in the forum. 1 year ago

I'm not sure what you intend to do exactly.
As for your question, you can start indiserver with the "-p yourport" parameter.

I think you need to start the second indiserver from another login or both will start with the datas from the
same .indi folder which is probably not what you want to do ?.

- Marc


I have been using Sky-Watcher mounts with Ekos/EQMOD driver for five years now.
Never had a single bad experience.

- Marc


INDIWebManager is used to start the INDI server when the INDI server and Kstars are on a different computer.
When Kstars and the INDI server are on the same computer, INDIWebManager is useless because kstars will start the INDI server.

It doesn't matter if you access your system via a VNC connection. Kstars and INDI are still on the same computer, so NO INDIWebManager.

- Marc


Marc replied to the topic 'Announcing Polar Alignment Changes' in the forum. 2 years ago

Very good idea, that was a missing feature ... Thanks a lot !

Now, can you do something so the position of the splits will be remembered next time we start Ekos ?
It seems obvious as we'll probably use the same setup next time we start Kstars/Ekos.

- Marc


Marc replied to the topic 'Ekos Optical Trains' in the forum. 2 years ago

Nice evolution, Jasem,

I played with the new functions, only with sims because of cloudy night.
Here's what I have found :


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    Amateur astronomer since childhood, getting back to my roots now I'm retired :). Former Engineer.