You can take a look at the tools directory in the INDI repository:

These are C files but it shouldn't be too difficult to use them in C++.


Cool, I didn't know that the OS could be bought separately. I've always stepped back from SM because I already have more than enough neglected Raspis in my drawer. Now it's actually an option for my next build. :)


Maxchess wrote: ROCKPro64 2x2 MIMO Dual Band WIFI 802.11AC/BLUETOOTH 4.2 MODULE $15.99

I've read that this module will only work with Android and not with the typical Linux distributions. I don't know how old this message was so please report back if it works or not.

This was really putting me off because I need an ethernet port to control my mount and I don't want to add a switch or hub on top.


Rolf Meyerhoff replied to the topic 'Initialization of Sesto Senso' in the forum. 5 years ago

Great work. Thank you very much. B)

Now I just need a way to fix the compatibility issues between the weather conditions and my available spare time. :(


I have a cooled ASI 294MC Pro and I tried it on the Raspi with USB2 and on an Intel NUC with USB3. I didn't see any difference in image quality but the speed difference was enormous. I still use the Raspi because it's light, compact and has enough USB ports for my needs. The NUC plus USB hub would be too much for my mount.

The Rock64Pro looks like a good alternative, especially because it runs on 12V power and it has an RTC.


Rolf Meyerhoff replied to the topic 'Initialization of Sesto Senso' in the forum. 5 years ago

Thank you very much. :)

I have the original probe for the Sesto Senso. I agree that it is a bit overpriced but it is delivering very reasonable temperature values. The major downside for me is the long cable (~1m). I had to wrap it around my scope several times to get out of the way.


Rolf Meyerhoff replied to the topic 'Initialization of Sesto Senso' in the forum. 5 years ago

I've debugged the code and the problem is in the TimerHit() method. The temperature frequency counter is increased and then compared against the update frequency. When they match then the temperature is updated. In this case it only works once as the counter is never set back to zero. I've added the last line in the if statement and now it works as expected:

    if (m_TemperatureCounter++ == SESTO_TEMPERATURE_FREQ)
        rc = updateTemperature();
        if (rc)
            if (fabs(lastTemperature - TemperatureN[0].value) >= 0.1)
                IDSetNumber(&TemperatureNP, nullptr);
                lastTemperature = TemperatureN[0].value;
        m_TemperatureCounter = 0;  // <- Was missing.

Maybe someone with access to the repository can add this to the code .


Rolf Meyerhoff replied to the topic 'Initialization of Sesto Senso' in the forum. 5 years ago

Maybe it is the ";" that is causing the issue? The GoTo command doesn't need them either.


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