Torsten Daiber created a new topic ' Rainbow Astro RST-150H' in the forum. 4 years ago


is anyone here using this mount? It is the precursor of the RST-135 and should to my best knowlegde be more or less equal to it besides other strain wave gears. Unfortunately, RA did not (yet?) supply the latest firmware upgrade for the 150, that the 135 got.
As the 150 is not listed (I am using astroberry) I chose the 135 and could connect to the mount, I can move it, auto guiding through PHD worked, homing and parking also, but the RA/Dec position of the mount is not updated in the driver and Kstars, even after a slew initiated in kstars.
INDI gets its location data from a GPS, the communication on the mount is set to USB and LX-200 protocol.

Any help, also from 135 users about their settings is greatly appreciated.
Clear skies