Xavier replied to the topic 'INDI issues: Pegasus FocusCube V2' in the forum. 4 years ago

I was looking for information about this same issue with the Pegasus DMFC
I cannot Set (Enable/Disable) Backlash or Reverse Motion.

I use Astroberry with Kstars 3.4.2 on RPi 4


Xavier replied to the topic 'AstroPi3 Scripts revised' in the forum. 5 years ago

I just need a couple of minuts to thank all the efforts and hours and days spent by Rob in his script.
It works flawlessly, even if its run by a rookie like me.

After some years using Windows astro software, I switched to K-Stars with the Raspberry pi4, it may not be the best way when I've never seen a Linux OS. But Rob's script made it easy.

Totally grateful.


Xavier replied to the topic 'INDI Server for Windows' in the forum. 6 years ago

Hi all!
I'm totally new to this stuff, also to Linux. I'm switching a win10 miniPC to linux in order to test Ekos. In the meantime I gave wINDI a try but it's not working at all:
EQMOD connects but there is no telescope tab in Ekos.
ASI 1600 connects but do not respond, If I set temp to 0 it keeps spining with no change, as it does if I try to take a preview.
QHY5III show the attached error tab when I try to setup, and dont connect to K-stars.
Other ASCOM gear doesn't appear as selectable, directly it doesn't exist...

This was trying wINDI and Ekos for Windows in the same pc, I have to try remote connecting from a Mac


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