Jan replied to the topic 'QHY183M not detected' in the forum. 4 years ago

QHY-183 properties


Jan replied to the topic 'QHY183M not detected' in the forum. 4 years ago
Jan replied to the topic 'QHY183M not detected' in the forum. 4 years ago

I just tested the latest QHYCCD driver with QHY-183M and my Java application and I have no problem, so I can operate QHY-183M. I use Ubuntu linux and the driver is 64 bit.


Jan replied to the topic 'QHY183M not detected' in the forum. 4 years ago

This is question for Jasem, i would say know, but not sure for 100%...
I did a small changes inside my application and it seems to work well with this new driver.
If you wish, i could send you the latest, unreleased libqhyccd.so lib via email. This is 64 bit lib compiled on my Ubuntu linux. Should work on your machine too. My email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 zář 3 14:13 libqhyccd.so -> libqhyccd.so.20
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 zář 3 14:13 libqhyccd.so.20 -> libqhyccd.so.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3142088 zář 3 14:13 libqhyccd.so.


Jan replied to the topic 'QHY183M not detected' in the forum. 4 years ago

please try to use some older releases from: www.qhyccd.com/html/prepub/log.html#!log...md?v=PublishEmails22

BTW, Mr. Ma Yong from QHYCCD fixed it right now, but did not release yet. I am able to compile this driver from our SVN and detect all attached camera again. I just talk to Jasem and he is able to run cameras again without any problems, so maybe he will release it, I do not know.


Jan replied to the topic 'QHY183M not detected' in the forum. 4 years ago

I work for QHYCCD company and also develop Java software for them and TSX pluging. Yesterday, I have noticed the same problem you have explained here after uploaded the latest version from the QHYCCD SVN repository, so all my applications stopped working. So, the current version of the driver returns zero detected cameras even if some are visible on the bus using lsusb command.
I have already reported this bug to quy who is developing their driver. He told me, he had several times changed scan usb function so, he is looking on this problem to fix it asap. Sorry for that problem, maybe you could download older driver.
Than you,


Jan replied to the topic 'QHY183M not detected' in the forum. 6 years ago

Hi all,
based on reading of your messages, I would like to add the following:
The original qhy driver worked mostly for Windows, but there was a little support for Linux and Mac. The driver was and still is a combination of classical programming in C and basic OOP techniques in C++. This combination is very difficult to understand because you change some part of the code somewhere and this has an influence on other part(s) of the code. I will not go to the details, so what we are doing now is moving the code to follow the OOP rules.
Since version 2.0.0, there is, for example, quite new detection and support for multiple cameras. The driver should support up to 5 cameras now. This still requires a litte modification when user unplug some camera on the fly and plug another one. The driver itself utilizes asynchronous support (bulk transfer) from libusb including multithreaded support from linux, so it has to be done very carefully.
The main problem is, that I have to support all previously released driver's I/O funtions and do all changes behind that scene to be fully backware compatible. These are reasons, why it goes not so fast I would like to do... The good thing is that I have mostly all QHYCCD cameras to my stock, which helps with development very much.
Thanks for your understanding.


Jan replied to the topic 'QHY183M not detected' in the forum. 6 years ago

the QHY183M is not implemented yet inside the 2.0 release. The driver supports the QHY183C camera only. We are working on that, so I suppose to finish it soon. Also, there still is problem with QHY128C camera and I work to fix this too.
Please note, we are reworking qhyccd driver, so please be patient...
Thank you,


Jan replied to the topic 'little problem with QHY165C camera' in the forum. 6 years ago

I maintain QHYCCD's source code, so I will look at this problem especially on ARM V8 inside the RPI3 and Odroid XU4.
Otherwise, the SDK stuff works well with Ubuntu linux on my machines with I5 & I7 processors. Previously, I have tested the
QHY168C also on RPI3/XU4 with TheSkyX and it worked properly. Maybe something went wrong, so please give a a few days
to check that. We just released a new version of sdk 2.0.1 and Jasem will test it too.
BTW, we had serious problems to run larger QHY cameras on RPI2, there is no enough memory and USB traffic was extremely slow. Camera produces a lot of data with high speed - it requires USB3 port. If USB2 is used, you may lost image data headers during USB transfer and this may be the source of problem. If I remember it well, only smaller QHY cameras, like QHY5II-L was running on RPI2.
Jan Soldan - Astronomical Embedded Systems.
QHYCCD - European Warranty, Repair, Warehouse and Software Center
Fricova - 236, 251 65 Ondrejov,
Czech Republic
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Skype : astrosoft_cz
QQ: 2517730289
Mobile : +420 728 403 811


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