That's exactly what is happening. I think it's significant that the first time that I try to connect to the camera and it errors out the light on the back of the camera comes on. I've noticed that as long as the light on the back of the camera is already on the next time you connect to the camera it will connect.

THANK YOU very much! I was about a day away from returning the camera and getting an ASI camera instead.


I think that's got it. I have to initiate the camera by trying to connect to it. It will error out, and then when I try to connect again it starts working properly. It's not 100% perfect but at least it's usable.


PROGRESS!!! :) :) :)

It still doesn't work from KStars directly. However, when I run indiserver from the command line and then connect to the server as a remote at localhost it works.

When I open another bash shell window that hasn't had the INDIPREFIX variable set it still doesn't work. So I suspect that is the key. There was a time when I knew which of my /etc files to add that to but I guess we'll have to cut a corner off my nerd card because I can't remember.


Yes, the firmware path matches.


That didn't do it either. I don't think it's loading the firmware. I noticed that as soon as PHD connects the red light on the back of the camera comes on, and stays on till the camera is unplugged. It never comes on at all when I try to operate the camera via INDI.


Still didn't work. Immediately when I started the INDI server it gave me this:

2018-03-28T01:34:07: startup: ./indiserver -vvv ./indi_qhy_ccd
2018-03-28T01:34:07: Driver ./indi_qhy_ccd: pid=3410 rfd=3 wfd=6 efd=7
2018-03-28T01:34:07: listening to port 7624 on fd 4
2018-03-28T01:34:07: Driver ./indi_qhy_ccd: sending msg copy 1 nq 1:
<getProperties version='1.7'/>

2018-03-28T01:34:07: Driver ./indi_qhy_ccd: QHY firmware path: /Applications/
2018-03-28T01:34:07: Driver ./indi_qhy_ccd: read message 'No QHY cameras detected. Power on?'


Evidentally, not. Are there any log files that would be helpful with figuring out what is going on. I'd be happy to send them to whomever is doing the development/debuging on this.


I've got files in both directories and they look like the same files, mostly. On a lark, I tried copying the firmware files from PHD to kstars. That didn't work.


Nope, still doesn't work. Tell me more about this getting the firmware thing is there a way to manually induce it to do that? It seems like INDI doesn't know how to turn the camera on but if something else turns it on then it will stay on until it gets turned off.


I'm using the latest version of kStars 2.9.3 under OSX10.12.4 and I'm having trouble connecting my QHY5LIIC camera to it. It works just fine on my Pi so I know that the camera and cable are okay. If I plug in the camera and fire up kStars EKOS gives an error "Unable to establish: QHY CCD".

Here's where it gets strange. If I open PHD2 first and connect to the camera from there, then disconnect then open kStars, everything works. I can connect to the camera just fine and take pictures etc. However, as soon as I unplug and replug the camera, I have to go back to PHD to get it working again. It kind of feels like it must be a driver issue but I'm at a loss for how to fix it. Can anyone help?


I haven't really had a chance to use it under the sky yet but from what I can tell testing it, its a little sluggish. I can't say if that's because of the USB2 or the Wifi. While I wouldn't want to manually focus at the refresh rate that it gives. My intention is to use a direct connection to my Macbook to focus and align the telescope and then monitor and control the imaging run from a nearby warmer location over wifi. I'm confident that it will be more than adequate to do that for me.


I did a 'apt-get dist-update' and suddenly it works. I have no idea why but i'll take it.


Some progress, I tried 'apt-get remove indi-asi' and then 'apt-get install indi-asi' and 'apt-get install indi-asi-dbg' now when I go to start INDI CCD in the device manager I get the following as an error message:

2018-03-17T12:04:11: startup: /usr/bin/indiserver -v -p 7626 -m 100 -f /tmp/indififo1c785b9f
2018-03-17T12:04:11: listening to port 7626 on fd 3
FIFO: start indi_asi_ccd
FIFO: Starting driver indi_asi_ccd
2018-03-17T12:04:11: Driver indi_asi_ccd: pid=3414 rfd=4 wfd=7 efd=8
2018-03-17T12:04:11: Driver indi_asi_ccd: indi_asi_ccd: symbol lookup error: indi_asi_ccd: undefined symbol: _ZN4INDI3CCD16ExposureCompleteEPNS_7CCDChipE
2018-03-17T12:04:11: Driver indi_asi_ccd: stderr EOF
2018-03-17T12:04:11: Driver indi_asi_ccd: restart #1
2018-03-17T12:04:11: Driver indi_asi_ccd: pid=3415 rfd=4 wfd=7 efd=8
Child process 3414 died
2018-03-17T12:04:11: select(9): Interrupted system call
2018-03-17T12:04:11: good bye

It sorta looks liike the indi asi driver isn't beign recognised any thoughts?


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