Terroll Martin replied to the topic 'Nikon 1 V3' in the forum. 11 months ago

To start: The camera shutter is set at 1.0 seconds

I start EKOS which opens set at a default Exposure of 1.0000 seconds. I take an image at the default setting, EKOS takes the image, saves and downloads the 1.0 second image to my computer.

The camera shutter is still set at 1.0 seconds.

Using the up arrow I set the exposure in EKOS to 2 seconds. EKOS goes through the motions of taking an image at the supposed 2 second exposure. However the shutter speed on the camera does not change from the 1.0 second setting it had previously, and this the saved and downloaded image is a 1.0 second exposed image, yet the file name says it is a 2 second exposed image.

The problem is EKOS is not able to send the right message to the Nikon 1 V3 to change the shutter speed.



Terroll Martin replied to the topic 'Nikon 1 V3' in the forum. 11 months ago

Seems that way, yes. I tried setting the camera to Manual / Bulb, then set EKOS to 30 sec. EKOS went through the procedure of Capturing and image for 30 sec, and the camera exposed for 30 sec, and the image was saved as a 30 sec exposure. All good.

Then I tried setting EKOS to capture an image at 10 sec, without changing anything on the camera. EKOS went through the procedure of capturing a 10 sec image, but the camera exposed for 30 sec. and the image was saved as a 30 sec exposure even though the file name said 10 sec exposure. Not good.

I then opened Entangle. At first I could not set the exposure length; it was set at 30 sec and the drop down menu was greyed out. I took the 30 sec exposure and it was saved, Then the drop down menu became operable and I was able to set it to anything; I tried a 10 sec exposure and that works fine. I tried setting the exposure to Bulb, but I couldn't set to any time and it failed. I then set the exposure in Entangle to 5 sec, snd that worked Fien and the image was saved.



Terroll Martin replied to the topic 'Nikon 1 V3' in the forum. 11 months ago

Yes, it does take an image at 0.001 seconds. EKOS shows Capturing at 0.001-second image..., and the image is saved as Test.Light.0.001_secs.001.nef, and the actual image has an exposure of 0.001 seconds.

If I try to set a different exposure in EKOS, say 0.01 seconds, Ekos shows Capturing at 0.01-second image..., and the image is saved as Test.Light.0.01_secs.001.nef, but the actual image has an exposure of 0.001 seconds.

If I try setting the exposure to 1 second, the results are the same as above.



Terroll Martin replied to the topic 'Nikon 1 V3' in the forum. 11 months ago

If I enable Force Bulb the camera does nothing and Progress in EKOS does not end until I abort the exposure.

I've tried just about every setting in the camera that I can think of, but nothing allows EKOS to control the Shutter Speed in the camera.



Terroll Martin replied to the topic 'Nikon 1 V3' in the forum. 11 months ago

Going through that documentation didn't help any. I tried using the gphoto2 command line and I did find that the shutter speed configuration (shutterspeed2 in the Nikon 1 V3) showed as configured to read only, so I couldn't set the shutter speed with gphoto2 command line either, This is really puzzling because Entangle has no problems setting any of camera settings and it is built on top of libgphoto.



Terroll Martin replied to the topic 'Nikon 1 V3' in the forum. 11 months ago

Yes, several times and I’ll go through it again.



Terroll Martin replied to the topic 'Nikon 1 V3' in the forum. 11 months ago

Oh, and I’m on Ubuntu 22.04.




Terroll Martin created a new topic ' Nikon 1 V3' in the forum. 11 months ago

I have a Nikon 1 V3 that connects to EKOS just fine using the Nikon DSLR driver, but I cannot adjust the exposure. The camera just exposes to whatever is set on the camera itself, For example, if I try to set the exposure to 10 seconds in EKOS, but the. camera body is set at 3 seconds, the exposure will be 3 seconds, even though EKOS says the exposure was 10 seconds. I can change the ISO setting in EKOS and that woks ok. The exposure issue makes no difference whether the camera is in M mode or Bulb mode. The camera and all its settings work great in Entangle.

Any ideas?



Terroll Martin replied to the topic 'Raspberry Pi 3 Setup Script' in the forum. 7 years ago

Fantastic Rob! I've got your script loaded on my Odroid and I've VNC'd into the Odroid from my Mac-Book Pro; so-far-so-good. I have a question though: How do I set up the "decent resolution" for when the HDMI display is not connected to the Odroid? I suspect I need to edit the boot.ini file, but I'm not sure which lines to modify.



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