Jeff Wilson replied to the topic 'Astroberry + QHYCCD users' in the forum. 3 years ago

I use a 163M and 5L-II-M with my Raspberry Pi 4.


Jeff Wilson replied to the topic 'Western Veil' in the forum. 4 years ago

Nice. I'm taking a crack at it tonight. First time doing a mosaic.


Gerard wrote: Thanks,

I was wondering the way to put the Raspi 4 onto my telescope, Noctua is a good one to avoid vibrations ... Have any people resolved vibrations to the telescope with fan ?

If you look at the link in my last post, the case I designed allows for a Noctua fan on vibration isolation pegs. It can mount on my telescopes with a standard synta/finderscope mount. I don’t notice any vibrations with the fan running at 5V.


I was considering that too. I have seen some PoE designs that have a hole through the center of the PCB.
Anyhow, I was thinking a side-mounted or angled fan might be possible. In my experiments, the underside of the Pi4 could use more heat dissipation.


esb, how about 3D printing a snug, TPU-based sleeve to hug the focuser ring, and then have gear teeth on the outside? I printed something like that to provide extra grip on one of my prime lenses (not for gearing though).


Jeff Wilson replied to the topic 'Astroberry + QHYCCD users' in the forum. 4 years ago

We probably should create a different thread on the VPN issue....
WiFi Connection dropped on me again Sunday night. I used a lightning-to-rj45 dongle to connect directly. Oddly, the UI said I was still connected via WiFi, but perhaps the act of directly connecting reset the configuration. I disconnected and reconnected for good measure, and no problems the rest of the night.


Jeff Wilson replied to the topic 'Astroberry + QHYCCD users' in the forum. 4 years ago

I don't know what cameras you are using, but I cannot recall ever having a connection issue with my QHY5L-II-M and Ekos. The 163M took longer, but as I alluded to, the QHY drivers took a long time to mature across all platforms. I do seem to recall someone having an issue with other combinations of QHY cameras. Yeah, I have mostly stuck with Indi/Ekos to have a compact solution while travelling with my gear, and I use an iPad Mini to do most of the control.
A few people have attributed connection issues to underpowered PSUs, so you might see if you can give it some more juice. There was a recommendation for a while to put the cameras through a dedicated, powered USB hub. While using my Rock64 SBC, I used to do that (Sabrent USB 3 , 7 port hub).
If you want to troubleshoot it, there are people here to assist. The output of "lsusb" and "dmesg" is often useful to know if the computer is even recognizing the devices.


Jeff Wilson replied to the topic 'Kstars crashing on RPI4' in the forum. 4 years ago

Although I probably cannot provide specific assistance, can you describe how it is crashing? For instance, is the VNC connection still active? Do you see Kstars disappear, or does Ekos just disappear? If you run "ps -aux" from a terminal do you see kstars? If you restart kstars/ekos after the crash, does it seem to reconnect to all equipment? Immediately after a crash, if you run "dmesg" from a terminal, what does it say?
I fought with my QHY 163M for a year, and it seems more stable now. I don't know how mature the drivers are for the 128.


Jeff Wilson replied to the topic 'Astroberry + QHYCCD users' in the forum. 4 years ago

I have been using Ekos/Indi for a few years now, starting with the AstroPi script. I have a QHY5L-II-M and 163M. I frequently had "stability" issues, but it is hard to say whether this was from indi/ekos or the QHY drivers themselves (after all, QHY's EZCAP_QT will still crash on my on my PC and Mac). Or was it my hardware, since I was using SBCs? I used a Rock64 setup until recently, and on that Ekos/Kstars would certainly crash now-and-then. I just got a Raspberry Pi 4 and installed Astroberry, but the weather has only been decent once. Everything seemed to go smoothly until .... Best I can tell, the vnc server died or wireless networking died while I wasn't monitoring the session, according to the logs. My sequence completed though, and I got an image of the Atlas comet before it broke apart.


Let me know when you have a version with QHY linking, and I’ll give it a spin.


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