Theor replied to the topic 'Ekos: choosing saved extension' in the forum. 6 years ago

That's true! But you know how those old proprietary programs are: basically impossible to change (IRAF I'm looking at you).

Anyway I'll write a short PowerShell script to rename the files adequately. Thanks anyway!


Theor created a new topic ' Ekos: choosing saved extension' in the forum. 6 years ago

I use two programs to process the data I gather from KStars, both of them use a FIT extension and a single digit numbering (ex: KStars uses the MaximDL numbering and the FITS extension (ex: Light_009.fits).

On Linux, it's easy to use a sed script to change the extension and numbering system, but on Windows, a program like Ant renamer has to be used, which is cumbersome and wastes time at each acquisition.

I was wondering if an option to choose between the two extensions (fit / fits) and maybe also the two numbering systems ( _1 or _001) could be added in the control panel? Would that cause a lot of troubles?


Theor replied to the topic 'Using 3 cameras at once?' in the forum. 6 years ago

Thank you Jasem. Following your answer I've ordered the camera, I should receive it in a couple weeks.

Should I forget to post my results, it will mean it all worked well!


Theor created a new topic ' Using 3 cameras at once?' in the forum. 6 years ago

Hi. Sorry if this question was already asked.

I'm currently using an Atik 414 for science imaging and an ASI-290MM for guiding.
However the FOV is very small and the astrometry rarely solves.
So I want to add an ASI-120MM-S attached to a 50mm scope for astrometry solving.

That means 3 cameras in the setup (although 1 only used for astrometry). Will this work with Ekos/INDI?

Thanks in advance!


Theor replied to the topic 'Re:EKOS change request' in the forum. 7 years ago

It could be a workaround (although expensive), but a friend of mine has an AZEQ5 which is belt driven and the motors are just as loud... The nice thing with belts is a lower backlash though.

Anyway, I already have an effective software solution for the noise, and it costs nothing. I just hope I'll be able to do the same with INDI.


Theor replied to the topic 'Re:EKOS change request' in the forum. 7 years ago

Yes, ASCOM/EQMOD does it so there must be a way on INDI.
I hope we can get this feature because unfortunately to me this is a deal breaker, I'm in a quiet area and the HEQ5 is way too noisy at max speed to use during the night with my neighbors sleeping all around.

Jasem, let me know if I can do something to help you with that. I'll be glad to beta-test the feature if needed.


Theor replied to the topic 'EKOS change request' in the forum. 7 years ago

Thank you for your answer. I tried this setting, it works but only for manual slewing, not the "goto" automatic slewing (when you click on an object in KStars and select EQMOD>Slew to target). It's still always at max speed.

I mean the same thing than post #4871 above from Kaczorek.


Theor replied to the topic 'EKOS change request' in the forum. 7 years ago

Hello Jasem,

I live in an apartment building and the goto speed of my HEQ5 at full speed is pretty noisy, so I'm used to changing it to a silent speed so it's doesn't bother my neighbors during the night.

With EQMOD, changing the goto speed is easy, there's a slider for that:


However I couldn't find a way to change it with the INDI EQMOD driver, which keeps me under Windows/Ascom. :(
I searched on Google and found this topic. Is this change request still under review?


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