Kevin gurney replied to the topic 'Polemaster in KStars' in the forum. 8 years ago

I am trying to transition to Indi from Windows and Polemaster is on my critical path...
I have to say the QHY software is great - it takes you step-by-step through capture/solve/adjust sequence so a Linux version would be very welcome. (Its all done in 5 minutes max )

On the comments about FOV - yes, the FOV is big on the dedicated QHY polemaster cams, but having this routine available for people with these cams would be a huge first step..
In any case, I often do a quick-and-dirty adjustment first using the polarscope and one of those NCP location apps. I think this should get polaris in the FOV for most finder scopes. I take the point that solving may require a large FOV. However, if sharpcap are advertising it I presume it can be made to work for sufficiently small finderscopes - indeed on their site it says "A field of view in the camera of between 1 degree and about 2.5 degrees". I reckon a lodestar on a William optics 200mm finderscope has an FOV just short of 2deg.

many thanks
