It worked like this once for me too.. and the crashes are sporadic, but the main symptom for me is the ballistic motion.
It looks like services might call each other and, without a proper handshake, things get unpredictable.. The outcome might then vary from system to system? I notice the docs say to make sure at least one camera device is present (hence the CCD sim) - I presume this has something to do with it? Anyway, I have a method for getting it right... (Ekos 'master')


Find attached EQMOD file.. (I had to pretend its not xml to attach - just change extension back)
I should say that sometimes kstars crashes in this situation too... (connecting with 'master' in Ekos is fine)


They go 'awry' in the sense that, after starting a slew, it cannot be stopped (it sets off a ballistic motion) - and I have to physically turn off the mount.


I have now done an experiment on connectivity and the pattern appears to be as follows: if you start multiple services (in my case, EQmod, joystick, CCD simulator) and then connect only one (the mount under EQmod) then things go awry... If you connect them all (one at a time using service control panels, or with Ekos 'master') then all is OK.
Would you expect that?




Kevin gurney replied to the topic 'Joystick behaviour' in the forum. 8 years ago

That works! Thanks..

It appears you can assign fictitious buttons (I have no button_7)..


Apologies if this has been dealt with elsewhere but, as a new Indi user, I am a little confused about some operations that may be 'old hat' to others..

As far as I can see, there are two separate operations in general: starting a service and connecting the kit to that service.
Then, I can see there are several ways to do each. Services could be started at the command line, or within some client app. In the kstars/Ekos environment it seems you can do this either from the device manager in kstars directly, or from Ekos. For connecting, you can do this (apparently) from the service control panel (that pops up after you start the service) or, in Ekos, from the 'connect' button in the top right. (I assume other clients may have similar connect buttons)
Assuming the above is right (but please do correct if I am labouring under any misapprehensions) it seemed to me that not all combinations are equal...

Thus, I almost gave up on Indi at first because it couldn't connect reliably to my mount. (AZ-EQ6 with EQMOD service). I had selected EQMOD in Ekos (with CCD simulator), started Indi in Ekos, and then tried to connect from within the EQMOD pop-up panel. This didn't work. Then I used the 'master connect' from within Ekos and - voila! all was well!

So is this behaviour to be expected? If so, what are the 'rules of engagement' for starting services and connecting? Is there some ordering assumed and the Ekos 'master' connect does this for you?

many thanks



Kevin gurney replied to the topic 'Joystick behaviour' in the forum. 8 years ago

With last nights rebuild, I now see the new 'joystick axis lock' toggle - great!
[The kind of rapid response Win users dream of I guess ...]
many thanks!

While I'm here I'd like to comment on/request other joystick features if I may :)
(i) There is currently no option to not control one of the mount variables offered. In particular, I don't really want to have a button that parks my scope; fumbling around in the dark (possibly with gloves on!) I can see me inadvertently parking the scope in the middle of some crucial operation.. I tried putting an empty string into that box but it reports an error.
(ii) Conversely other variables might be handy. In particular, it would be useful to be able to sync to the current location from the joystick, rather than have to go back to the keyboard (I think this is an option in ASCOM EQMOD?)
(iii) Finally, it might be useful to allow multiple assignments to a single variable (comma separate them in the set field?). What I have in mind here is to allow either of the physical joysticks on my gamepad to do the same thing - i.e. slew the mount. Or associate all of the small round buttons with abort(!) (so 'stabbing away' on that side of the gamepad in the dark will get the desired result)

Many thanks



Kevin gurney replied to the topic 'Joystick behaviour' in the forum. 8 years ago

I think my issue is the same as that in another recent thread...
In which case, I'll just wait a day for the rebuild :)


Kevin gurney replied to the topic 'Joystick behaviour' in the forum. 8 years ago

To try this, I just upgraded indi-full and made sure I had latest eqmod... (I couldn't see a separate joystick driver?)
But in any case, eqmod now crashes upon connect. is this related?

Log follows: a child process dies - I presume this is the problem, even though it seems to restart OK?

2017-02-15T14:52:50: startup: /usr/bin/indiserver -v -p 7624 -m 100 -f /tmp/indififoc55144ea

2017-02-15T14:52:50: listening to port 7624 on fd 3

FIFO: start indi_eqmod_telescope -n "EQMod Mount"

With name: EQMod Mount

FIFO: Starting driver indi_eqmod_telescope

2017-02-15T14:52:50: Driver indi_eqmod_telescope: pid=21799 rfd=4 wfd=7 efd=8

2017-02-15T14:52:50: Client 5: new arrival from - welcome!

2017-02-15T14:52:50: Driver indi_eqmod_telescope: snooping on GPS Simulator.GEOGRAPHIC_COORD

2017-02-15T14:52:50: Driver indi_eqmod_telescope: snooping on GPS Simulator.TIME_UTC

2017-02-15T14:52:50: Driver indi_eqmod_telescope: snooping on Dome Simulator.DOME_PARK

2017-02-15T14:52:50: Driver indi_eqmod_telescope: snooping on Dome Simulator.DOME_SHUTTER

2017-02-15T14:52:50: Driver indi_eqmod_telescope: EnumeratePlugins - found plugin SVD Math Plugin

2017-02-15T14:52:54: Driver indi_eqmod_telescope: Using prefix /usr/share/indi//indi_eqmod_sk.xml

2017-02-15T14:52:54: Driver indi_eqmod_telescope: Using prefix /usr/share/indi//indi_eqmod_scope_limits_sk.xml

Child process 21799 died

2017-02-15T14:52:55: Driver indi_eqmod_telescope: stderr EOF

2017-02-15T14:52:55: Driver indi_eqmod_telescope: restart #1

2017-02-15T14:52:55: Driver indi_eqmod_telescope: pid=21805 rfd=4 wfd=8 efd=9

2017-02-15T14:52:55: Driver indi_eqmod_telescope: snooping on GPS Simulator.GEOGRAPHIC_COORD

2017-02-15T14:52:55: Driver indi_eqmod_telescope: snooping on GPS Simulator.TIME_UTC

2017-02-15T14:52:55: Driver indi_eqmod_telescope: snooping on Dome Simulator.DOME_PARK

2017-02-15T14:52:55: Driver indi_eqmod_telescope: snooping on Dome Simulator.DOME_SHUTTER

2017-02-15T14:52:55: Driver indi_eqmod_telescope: EnumeratePlugins - found plugin SVD Math Plugin


I am in the same situation (Polemaster owner, wanting to use it with new polar align software advertised here).
I have posted on the QHY forum.



Kevin gurney replied to the topic 'Joystick behaviour' in the forum. 8 years ago

Yes, and that [axis locking] might be handy for spectroscopy where you just want to move back and forth across the slit viewed through the guide cam.


Sorry - yes, I missed that one! I'll give it a go...



Kevin gurney replied to the topic 'Joystick behaviour' in the forum. 8 years ago

That would be great!



Kevin gurney replied to the topic 'Polemaster in KStars' in the forum. 8 years ago

I am trying to transition to Indi from Windows and Polemaster is on my critical path...
I have to say the QHY software is great - it takes you step-by-step through capture/solve/adjust sequence so a Linux version would be very welcome. (Its all done in 5 minutes max )

On the comments about FOV - yes, the FOV is big on the dedicated QHY polemaster cams, but having this routine available for people with these cams would be a huge first step..
In any case, I often do a quick-and-dirty adjustment first using the polarscope and one of those NCP location apps. I think this should get polaris in the FOV for most finder scopes. I take the point that solving may require a large FOV. However, if sharpcap are advertising it I presume it can be made to work for sufficiently small finderscopes - indeed on their site it says "A field of view in the camera of between 1 degree and about 2.5 degrees". I reckon a lodestar on a William optics 200mm finderscope has an FOV just short of 2deg.

many thanks



I am trying to make the transition to Indi from Windows and I currently use a QHY Polemaster - it just works (5 minutes tops, from scratch) - and is well worth the investment.
So this is on my critical path and I would vote for an 'Indi Polemaster'. As Gerryr says, I think its not that difficult in principle, and I see QHY cameras are currently supported. So I suspect it would be a capture-and-solve routine sitting as a standalone utility under Linux?



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