Anthony Marriott replied to the topic 'Ekos on Mac OS X ?' in the forum. 8 years ago

I just bought the same camera and an Orion 50mm guidescope. Also picked up a Fuji X-M1 camera on EBay that I am going to try for astrophotography. It has an APS-C sensor but uses a Fuji's X-Trans color filter array rather than the usual Bayer array( Also produces different .raf raw files. I plan on converting to full spectrum.

So I am one step nearer to launching into the INDI world!


Anthony Marriott replied to the topic 'Ekos on Mac OS X ?' in the forum. 8 years ago

Before you go digging into Kstars/INDI code I would first check that your wife's computer has at least 4GB memory or preferably 8GB. You may even have failing memory issues. Also try upgrading from HDD to SSD - this is well worthwhile and is very easy do do (check out for compatible SSD and additional memory).

I have a 2012 MBA with 8GB memory and a 50 0GB SSD. Works like a charm with all sorts of development stuff installed - Xcode, Macports, XAMPP, VirtualBox (often running Win 7/10 or various Linux versions), etc. I have set up an INDI server on my spare PI yet, but its on my list!


Has anyone tried this with INDI server for ST4 camera?


Anthony Marriott replied to the topic 'Ekos on Mac OS X ?' in the forum. 8 years ago

I can't keep up with you!! Just finished installing previous version! Updated and installed this latest version successfully and programming runs ok so far.

I am using a MacbookAir 2012 with 2G i7 and 8G memory running Sierra 10.12.3.Beta (16D12b)


Anthony Marriott replied to the topic 'Ekos on Mac OS X ?' in the forum. 8 years ago

I have been following this thread and have downloaded and installed Kstars on my MBA via this dmg file. I don't have my scope and mount fully functional yet so cannot test all the functionality, but can confirm that the program appears to install and work. Only issue I had was with "setup", which I clicked wrong box and lost, but that s a user/kstars issue.

I'll be watching for any updates and as soon as my scope is up and running will test the other features.



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